Love them and she looks cute and happy in them. Surprised she did not go under the duna and drag that with her....sure it will come. Then you...
Glad Stanley is OK and doing better. Back to normal hopefully today. Sure the next Vet visit will be fine...
Came across this.... [ATTACH] so true, so true....
Happy Birthday Hattie. Hope you got spoiled rotten....
We had to defer Vanillas spay by about 2months due to various issues after her first season. I would get the Vet to check as @Beanwood said. You...
Those are the best moments on a walk or for that matter anywhere. I always tune out to the rest of the world for that moment and I think Vanilla...
Glad she has perked up and starting to get back to normal. Hopefully the meds are just a very short interim solution.
Sorry for your loss. Beatiful pictures, but specially like second and third
The world is alright again. Had my morning walk with Daddy (he did not sound good) but at least I got a walk. Problem is he is now at work and not...
Glad he is back home with you safe and sound @Stacia that caused a tear when you read it. I know we all end up there in some form but thinking...
Thanks am feeling better. She has picked up up, but it took her a day or so to realise that not everything was normal. She has been as sweet as...
You are so wise Moo and Rory. I have been really close and just laying on his chest with my head. He said we might go to the oval tonight as daddy...
Has anybody else had this happen to their hooman? Daddy has been in bed all weekend and I have tried and tried to get him to get up, but he has...
I have been under the weather a bit over the last few days. Vanilla has not seen me be ill so it caused some panic stations on Saturday and Sunday...
Congratulations Very happy lady showing of her second place. She does however feel she should have won with that face
Coco - recently I am getting caught all the time doing things too. Apperantly I walk proud and tall and very very quiet. I used to run, but they...
We have had a lot of rain recently (unusual amount). Out on our normal walk in the morning on the Golf Course. Next minute Vanilla sees the...
Hope they and you enjoy the walk together and it was extra long. Sad news
Sorry to hear about your loss. He was loved and he loved you
Yes we are looking into a new bed. I tend to wake up with part of the duna off me and a face staring at me. Once my eyes are just a fraction...