Yep Vanilla she absolutely loves it. Especially if I squeeze it and the air flows in her face. Or I squash it and she looks at it waiting to pop...
Very serene. Glad you enjoyed your walk
Thanks all, mindfield springs to mind. Will start the search and see what we get. Sure there will be someone eventually. The most important cue...
@edzbird reading your commentary on the tram this morning started to laugh. Next second I get strange looks....:D
How rude. You kind off feel like just moving a fraction or putting a stick through the wheel ;) Sorry you had a poo walk
I am so jealous, you all seem to have an abundance off poo flavours. All I find is dried out cat poo and even that is getting harder to find....
We hope so as the pictures we have seen he does look a bit down. There is talk about this as they are planning on moving abroad for 12months+. So...
Hi, Did not want to hijack other threads on here. In the not to distance future I know we are going to have to work out a Dog sitter. This would...
Wisdom as usual. Given this is our first dog there was a lot to learn, but I always said 'will treat the dog the same way as I would want to be...
Quinn - don't feel lonely. Maybe you have to ask your hoomans for a brother or sister? Then you could have fun all the time... Ripple - Always...
I think the biggest thing we came across is the amount of information out there, which after a while just starts to blur together and you can't...
I think he does Pongo, I really really think he does. Let us know how you got on looking after him. Vanilla
That is just so sad, Pongo. Maybe there is something in the air that is making them all look unhappy and then they explode? Hope your Owl does not...
My Donkey exploded today. Vanilla
Happy Birthday Harley. Hope you had a fun filled day :cake:
So sorry to hear about your loss. Go to one off your/her favourite place, take a seat/lay down, look up, take a minute and smile and think of the...
Like all others have said sounds more like a puppy and bad coordination. Stairs, stairs and stairs and jumping up/down furniture/car. We carried...
Oh boy it is. Especially when they are old school....
I have visions of hitting the rear viper button by mistake and then....praying for very heavy rain to follow
Sounds like a really nice evening. Credit to you all. True this will be a lovely memory for them.