Hello Georgie, welcome and hope you enjoy you holiboobs. I knew you where a girl with that name, my hoomans have a friend who has a nick name like...
Very Beautiful and looks happy.
Quinn, no I did not get barium. Is it good? Sounds like it. Yes I got Sardines for dinner, even got an extra one yuuummmmyyyy. My tummy was very...
No Lilly, they did not...I wanted too but was moved away very quickly. The injustice...my stomach is empty. Dinner had better be good tonight Vanilla
I had to go to the bum lady...they gave me this injection and then next minute I was throwing up. I had mummys sock in my stomach. Daddy said that...
We seem to have a sock missing...the other one was wet...either trip to the Vet for a puke first thing or wait for a few days and see...
I had a really good day yesterday. Daddy had to go to work again, but I went with mummy to her work. There where loads of people who all wanted to...
Holly - yes I did. I had this really big paddock outside the house I could sniff and sniff. Then there was loads of bushland, but was not really...
I am back from holiday. So good to be back, but I really enjoyed my holiday too. Will get Daddy to post some pictures. Vanilla
Driving home from holiday, electric window broke while trying to put it back up where Vanilla sits, and she thought that was the best until I...
Excellent news and well done... (I did however just had a quick vision of a cow bells round his little neck :$)
I started out with just the paste on my fingers, and after each touch it was a c&t. Now after about 6months we clean with a tooth brush. Getting...
Rory - you trying it on and seeing how far you can get before your holidays? Just be careful...
Hope Charlie is back to normal soon. Vanilla can't have Drontal, sends her nuts...so we use Milbemax. Maybe they have changed the mix?
Coco I have been really good so far on holidays. Well apart from today as I found a dried out shark. I ranandranandran with it. Daddy said it is a...
Well done on progress. Agree with @Naya would take it slowly and not rush. You will only kick yourself if you do :)
Rory and Moo, I chewed under the sofa cushions. Like really really chewed so that you can see the springs. They said they have to get it...
I was allowed to go on my holidays, even though I was naughty last week. I have this massive field to play in and mummy said my own beach...I will...
Happy Birthday Sam. Hope your day is filled with fun and lots of pressies
Sorry to hear about Molly. Enjoy the memories