I'm pretty sure you'll know if a bitch is in heat. In that case you'll know to be extra vigilant. Intact boys dogs show plenty signs when they...
Oh Angel, my heart goes out to you. What an impossible situation you are in. Poor Riddick. Thankfully he has you to shower him with so much love...
There are many where I live - extremely popular. Look like Disney characters. A breeder is now breeding Goldies with medium poodles, not the...
So sorry to hear - awful when your dog gets bitten. Snowie got nipped twice as a pup for going up to a dog that was resource guarding. First time...
Not sure I'd trust that grass - probably full of chemicals to make it grow perfectly ready to sell. But how about a grassy verge?
So sorry to hear. Can you take him somewhere where there is grass so that he can eat it and throw up and perhaps feel better? So worrying for you...
I wasn't post serious surgery, or post any surgery for that matter, and my dog had all his senses intact. But when I stopped the battle of the...
You can try feeding her a small meal at bedtime (in addition to dinner). Theoretically she shouldn't feel hungry to wake up so early. We've been...
Can you call your vet and let him/her know your concerns - without having to take your dog there. And if your vet feels it is a problem, then go in?
Wow I would never be able to cope. Such a generous thing you do.
So sorry to hear. When my boy first had a seizure, our vet said to treat first before doing an MRI - if treatment worked, then all good. He said...
I'd check with your vet re using nexguard and the collar. You might be overdosing her by using two flea preventatives. These are poisons, which...
My vet attributed Snowie's hellishly stinky poo when he had HGE to the bad bacteria in his gut - said he had an imbalance of good-bad bacteria...
I'd be changing vets. A vet who vaccinates and gives prednisone together isn't thinking straight. The vaccination causes an immune response while...
Farting is a result of fermentation in the gut. Foods that cause fermentation are usually high in carbs and sugars. I have found my dog farts if...
Do you wash your dog? An anti fungal, anti bacterial shampoo that you leave on for 10 mins before rinsing off might give your dog relief - usually...
In some humans who can't gain weight, inflammatory bowel disease is investigated. Has this been considered in Riddick's case?
It might be anal gland secretion. Sniff her bum to see if that is where the smell is coming from. It has got to be the worst smell ever! My vet...
I just saw your other post about the worst seizure yet. I'm so sorry. Our boy is on Potassium Bromide. I don't know what Epiphen is and whether...
We were told our boy can only come off the meds if he's been two years seizure free. Unfortunately his longest seizure free has been 7 months, so...