We were told our boy can only come off the meds if he's been two years seizure free. Unfortunately his longest time seizure free has been 7...
So sorry to read about your Lola. How old is she? And how long after her last seizure did you initially start taking her off the meds? My boy is...
I do believe salmon oil gave Snowie a lovely soft coat. But since stopping it about 6 weeks ago and then stopping all fish products about three...
What a lovely story!
Hope the op went well and you're happily drugged up! So lucky to have everyone looking after Libby.
Snoozy dogs - so lovely. Zaba is most helpful! :)
Snowie, who is intact, goes insane even when the entire bitch has been out of her season a few months. I wonder if it also depends on the male?...
Double yikes!!!!!!
I'm sure you'll become quite skilled on the crutches! Hopefully they'll fit you with a boot?
So sorry for your loss.
Oh my word! So sorry to read this. Are you in hospital now, awaiting your op? I always turn sideways and bend my knees when dogs approach me...
Soooo sweet!
Another confession: you know how most people look in the mirror and think they look fat, when they're not. Well me and my husband would think we...
How old is your puppy? We fed ours four meals a day until he was about 4 months. Then 3 meals a day till about 6 months. Puppies need to eat...
Now you're just trying to make us jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!
That put a lump in my throat.
I think it's the guy who should be apologizing to you. Why do you need to feel responsible when it was he who behaved so badly?
What I thought, too!
I'm reading this thread for the first time - am in shock: pins, razors, poison. I can't imagine people doing this to dogs in a public area. I'm...
I must confess that now that I've lost about 12-15 kg since Jan, that it's much easier to control Snowie's weight. I picked up a lot of weight in...