Don't they just get the timing so wrong! Hope he improves quickly and you can enjoy your holiday. We're going away next week on holiday and we...
Could you get her to drink a bit more water? Sometimes water helps things move through the gut. Perhaps some chicken soup to encourage her to drink.
The holistic vet said he gets all the arthritis dogs, so I'm guessing laser is his go-to treatment that he's found to work. It was effective last...
What I would do for a dog that didn't scavenge!! The bane of our walks.
Update: I've been reluctant to provide an update because Snowie has been up and down these past few weeks. No sooner would I provide an update...
I'm also in South Africa. My boy has been on Potassium Bromide for 2 years. At first he was overdosed and ended up with KBr blood levels in the...
I have read here on the forum that walking uphill on leash is good for strengthening the back end. I guess different muscles are working than...
Ach man, so sorry. You are trying so hard to help Riddick. I hope he manages to get more mobile soon so that the increased exercise can help him....
Sorry to hear. Hope you get some rest today.
That is such great news!
Just to say: thinking of you. Moo sounds amazing for 14.
I am so sorry and so sad for you.
I think the usual advice is half water half apple cider vinegar, although I do believe any vinegar is fine - it's the acidity you're after. My...
Very cute!
Itchy paws is often indicative of an allergy. If it's only his paws, then it is possibly a contact allergy, so rinsing his paws after being...
If it's through crush rock and stones, boiling water from the kettle is the way to go. If you feel like a longer job - for the long term - lift...
Why not plant a meadow garden? That way you can leave the weeds. :) I once spent a season pulling weeds. Now I seldom have to pull them. Nothing...
My husband often comments that Snowie gets jittery about 10 minutes before I come home, starts looking at the door and not wanting to relax. And I...
If Snowie goes to sniff a person's behind, there's generally a reason for it. An old lady he sniffed once I am sure had incontinence. He doesn't...
It was the two women. They didn't grab it aggressively, were quite gentle I think. Anyway Snowie was stopped in his tracks from this man shouting...