Thank you so much! The weird thing is, when people see him, they always comment on how wonderful he looks. I walk with a friend and her dog, and...
This dog is here to test me!! Yesterday he refused to eat a thing. But he was cheerful on his mid morning walk, kicking up the dirt and marking...
From what I've read from the replies from other members, it can take a couple of weeks for a full recovery. This has given me and my husband some...
Thank you. It is tiring. I just wish I could make him feel better. And I wish I knew what is causing this.
Thank you. Me, too! Have steamed him his favourite veg: brocolli, cauliflower and carrots. And spinach. Will see if he's interested in some...
Good news and bad news. Good news: Snowie made a magnificent poo this morning! Well formed and solid. And huge! No blood. Bad news: been up...
I feel for you - so exhausting, and the waiting for a seizure is so stressful. I hope things improve quickly.
We are one of the forum members who learned about using the watering can here - thanks to @SwampDonkey! - and have never looked back. He hates the...
You ain't seen nothing yet - we have whole threads on this forum devoted to poo!! :) I am guessing, like you, that the starvation rations are...
I hope nothing comes of your worries. I'm the same as you: a worrier by nature. I am impressed your vet said to leave your dog intact while he...
Thanks for asking! Good news. Sloppy food fed in small quantities and frequently seemed to have worked well. However, Snowie has not made a poo...
No idea. It could be anything. They treat with antibiotics cos apparently there is a particular bacteria associated with HGE. It's not contagious...
Many years ago my sister's Belgian Shepherd x saw a cat in the garden and took chase... through the glass sliding door. Glass sliced through his...