I've seen this in quite a few working labs. It is not uncommon to see them so hunt-obsessed that once they are sent for something they go deaf and...
A heart-stopping moment. At least hubby knew where to run and catch him!
I've got a few photos of severe cases which we've lasered but sadly they are all on the work computer so I'll have a dig around tomorrow and see...
This sounds like Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis which is a genetic condition of Labradors. It is relatively common and most vets will have several...
Another vote for a trip to the vet here. You can get some pretty nasty infections after mating so better safe than sorry.
Tarka never gets it and swims daily in any temperature. Lochan seems susceptible and is quite frankly a rubbish swimmer so there may be something...
Yesterday Lochan found a dead fox. Unfortunately it was a very dead fox, some weeks dead by the look of it. She rolled joyously and...
Re: Eating grass My two eat grass almost constantly in the spring. It's like going out with a couple of Aberdeen Angus cows to be honest....
Re: Jumping fences I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but Tarka can do a 4'6" fence clear with no problems at all. Training is going to be...
Re: Oh, the shedding! Dogs normally shed hair in a mosaic pattern so they don't get bald patches. Brushing with a zoom groom only removes dead...
Re: So young to be a dad! I have two dogs 6 months apart in age, although unrelated. They are both neutered females. I brought Lochan home when...
Re: Dogs on the bed.... Our two are allowed on the bed - it stems from Tarka having dreadful separation anxiety as a puppy before Lochan arrived....
Re: Merla's training log I would love to do this and so would my dogs. Your descriptions are great and Merla sounds like a complete star. Lochan...
Re: Obi spaniels training log Sounds great. Days like that (or moments like that) make it all worth while.....
Re: Happy (Belated) Birthday Lilly Happy birthday Lilly, great presents.
Re: Millie, two years on That is lovely to hear, so nice she has settled so well in her forever home and obviously gives back as much love as she...
Re: Obi spaniels training log Brilliant, I can see it now too. That is really good, Obi is doing really well and Riley was an absolute star.
Re: Obi spaniels training log This all sounds great. Working with two dogs is much, much more challenging to get them to be steady and not run in...
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball It's virtually impossible to tell what size an adult will be from a young pup. My sister and...
Re: White Hairs. Lochan has a really white chin at the grand old age of 3. Tarka at 4 is still completely black though.