As it's coming up to that time of year when we all have lots of Christmas chocolate around the house, and bearing in mind one of my own dogs...
Re: Possible frozen tail ;( Poor wee soul. Lochan gets this occasionally and she is really miserable with it too. Hopefully the pain meds will...
Re: Little Minx!! I love Hattie's tricks. The subtle insurrection.....I seem to remember she had your Cadburys Fruit and Nut last year too....
Re: Think Riley is poorly Poor lad, hope he's better soon.
Re: Think Riley is poorly Poor man. Hope he feels better soon, good move to keep him off class for a bit.
Re: Stinky nose! Has he rubbed his face in something like fox poo? The smell lasts forever, even after all visible traces are gone.
Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Charlie Boy!! :) Happy Birthday Charlie. Will there be cake?
Re: Bud......Hoovering quicker than me!!!! Hi Tony. One of mine (Lochan) would be an All-England scoffing champion. As a puppy she ate so fast...
Re: Why Wasn't I Warned! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Re: Ear Mites! Poor Dexter, ear flushing is horrible like this. And yes, you are completely right, it seems to be the sensation of water in the...
Re: Water At Night? I have never put water in the crate overnight for any of my pups and they have all been fine. Don't worry, your pup will be...
Re: How do I teach my labrador not to jump up at strangers I have gone for teaching my dogs not to interact with strangers at all on walks. They...
Re: A little Millie news I'd love to have seen her, happy and content trotting along with the big dogs. You've given her confidence and a loving...
Re: Is it just us? Mine would still be ridiculous at a training class if on the lead - they would pull me about at the start I have no doubt. Off...
Re: I have 2 very playful pups! Hello and welcome to the forum. Your pups sound great fun and I sympathise with the rough play in the house. I...
Re: What are our chances of having a Christmas tree this year? My sister always comes to us for Christmas with her two labradors, and as we have...
Re: Horrible Walk.. So glad you found him, 30 minutes can feel like a lifetime. I can't believe how some people behave around dogs, at least he's...
Re: Eeek! Another puppy?!?! It'll be great fun but a major challenge. Two puppies together are more than twice the work I reckon. My two are only...
Re: Hello everyone.... Well done to both of you, all that training paying off big time.
Re: Biddable Labradors. My dad got a biddable black lab bitch when I was nine. He decided to take her out shooting, so he bought a rifle and got...