Re: Small Black Dog sets Really Bad Example No, that would be me ;D ;D ;D
Re: Small Black Dog sets Really Bad Example She is just practicing for when you get a puppy ;D
Re: Bravecto tablets against ticks I have just swapped my two over from Stronghold to Bravecto. We don't have a tick problem locally but I have a...
Re: Bravecto tablets against ticks This is quite difficult to write concisely about because there is such a large number of different flea/tick...
Re: I know puppies sleep a lot but...... Don't know but I'm on my fifth pair. Lochan ignores them, Tarka adores them. Current pair have a canine...
Re: What is this stuff? I would rule out parasites pretty carefully - parasitism is the commonest reason for a scurfy back in a young puppy....
Re: Poor little soul Yes, breaking the itch-scratch cycle as quickly as possible is really important both for poor Millie's welfare and also to...
Re: Oral Melanoma I agree too. However, it may be worth mentioning that radiotherapy once per week x 4 weeks is likely to give a good...
Re: Can Advocate cause dog to be sick The best place to look for this sort of information is to go on the NOAH website (National Office of Animal...
We have reports today of a serious outbreak of parvovirus in County Durham. It seems to be extremely virulent. Please check your boosters are...
Re: Here we go again The dose of Piriton in dogs is up to 0.4mg/kg three times daily, ie 1x 4mg tablet per 10kg bodyweight three times daily. As...
Re: Oh, the injustice!! He is a true master thief, has the innocent look completely off pat....
Re: Charlie's June Training So glad he is still a hooligan, you wouldn't want it any other way....
Re: Exercise for an 8 month old labrador.. Mine have all had about that, but no jumping in and out of cars, and they are virtually never on leads...
Re: Channelling Simba... Good gracious I've just received some of those dried sprats recommended by Heidrun. I ordered them yesterday afternoon...
Re: Has anyone dealt with OCD in their lab before? Hi there. OCD in the shoulder joint can be diagnosed by plain xrays in some cases, but to...
Re: Here we go again As long as there is no secondary infection, a short course of steroids is an excellent idea and likely to give him...
Re: Here we go again Sorry for the long post but I thought I'd put something up for folk who don't know a lot about allergic skin disease in...
Re: random silly question! He is lovely. I always think he looks like one of mine - is he Drakeshead lines?
Re: Vaccinations Most evidence is that we under-vaccinate puppies (missing out the 16 week parvo vaccine) but may over-vaccinate adults. Current...