Re: drinking Trip to the vets for this for sure, taking a nice fresh urine sample with you to help them out. Hope it's easily diagnosed and...
Re: What do your dogs do when they are in the house My two like a good snooze after their morning walk, but mostly like to be where I am and just...
Re: Dog Rules Our previous dog started at 2 and crept to 4. Somehow without anyone noticing both the current incumbents went straight to rule 7....
Re: How far do you walk your adult dogs? Oh poor Riley. Mind you, I took the same advice when Lochan was also messing about with a dummy and it...
Re: How far do you walk your adult dogs? What is this running that you speak of? :-[ That is the province of 18yo son only.... It would seem...
I mapped my usual walk today, and checked it with a pedometer. 4.2 miles round trip for me, all off lead so much more for the dogs especially...
Re: Odd behaviour Mine hate change too and can be a little strange afterwards. We left them in our home with my elderly parents for 10 days last...
Re: Poorly Charlie Goodness me just caught up with this. Poor Charlie and poor you. This could have been a nasty one without your prompt...
Re: Your feedback please on forum photos: PLEASE VOTE No adverts here either. The site is great as it is, uncluttered by adverts you just don't...
Re: Differing characters in the same breed She is beautiful. I think I might pack my two off for a summer of guide dog training......or send...
Re: Poorly Good news, glad he is feeling OK today
Re: Poorly If he's produced some hard plastic bits then it sounds like things are moving through. A handful of mushy rice will be fine, if he is...
Re: Charlie's July/August training He's doing really well. Imagine a few weeks ago reporting only a few minor tugs on the lead....well done to...
Re: Slippy floor phobia ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Re: Slippy floor phobia The worst one for us was a professional photography session for the dogs which OH bought me for my birthday. When we...
Re: Hot weather and quality bonding time These moments are just to treasure. Bliss.
Re: A bad morning, a long story..... Perhaps this could be a new sport for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games? I can hear the commentator now: "And...
Tarka is now the grand old age of 3 years and 8 months old. Since she was a tiny puppy, she has had a phobia about slippy, shiny floor surfaces...
Re: A bad morning, a long story..... My sympathies here, Tarka in her younger chasing days would have done exactly that. I think 15 minutes is...
Re: Charlie's July/August training It sounds like great progress in this heat. What does he do if he is walking to heel on lead and carrying his...