Re: Help with Insurance! You will find that as soon as you put in a claim the insurance company will want to see a printout of the full history...
Re: Dog proofing the garden My old girl Remy was a determined escaper from the garden when young. We used to joke how the pup cost £300 (this was...
Re: Charlie's Recall Whistle AFFECTED ;(;( Two steps forward, one step back with these absconders Helen. I've had exactly the same with Tarka....
Re: Charlie's Recall Whistle AFFECTED ;(;( Total agreement. My hunting absconder will relapse from her abstemious behaviour with me if the OH...
Re: Charlie's Recall Whistle AFFECTED ;(;( And agreement from me here for telling her what has happened and how you feel about it. You need to...
Re: Cannot contain myself..... Oh that time out is just brilliant. I've never seen a handler given time out before....lots of dogs.....heehee and...
Re: Obi's obedient morning Great stuff, well done to you both. And I love the photo.
Re: Hamble Hounds Training - Lesson 2 REPORT Sorry, just been mulling this whilst trotting round the house changing all the clocks. My two dogs...
Re: Hamble Hounds Training - Lesson 2 REPORT Helen I know you don't want to do gundog stuff so just call permanent blinds a game of hunt the...
Re: Hamble Hounds Training - Lesson 2 REPORT Thank you (slinks off red-faced...) :)
Re: Hamble Hounds Training - Lesson 2 REPORT I would definitely join the gundog class - great place to get some help with retrieving to hand....
Re: Hamble Hounds Training - Lesson 2 REPORT Helen I've done exactly this with my hunt-driven Tarka. Once the excitement to retrieve a ball or...
Re: Transporting dogs in the car boot Have a look at MMG guards for a tailgate guard. They almost certainly already have freelander measurements...
Re: Photos! Ollie at 8 months Lovely! And I love the way he carries his frisbee...
Re: New Baby for Lady That is lovely. Reminds me of when Lochan was little, trotting adoringly after Tarka - Lady will be getting used to this...
Re: Cannot contain myself..... 14 weeks of visitors??? I would need therapy..... And happy birthday Drift from a fellow Greenbriar fan.
Re: Transporting dogs in the car boot Couldn't agree more. The last three road accidents seen in our practice have been dogs jumping out of the...
Re: Still worried A friend of mine who is a specialist gastroenterologist likes Purina HA for this sort of thing. It is a hydrolysed diet so...
Re: Posting a photo: method 1 Got it wrong! Sorted now though on other thread
Re: Posting a photo from Flickr [img] IMGP1734.jpg by The Henfreys, on Flickr Just trying out photo posting in the absence of teenage...