Just been out for a couple of hours of very blustery beach walk. It was so windy the sand was blowing off the surface of the beach giving a...
Re: pet health screening Hi Helen, the age at which we start thinking about health screening varies from breed to breed. Obviously many giant...
Re: pet health screening I think I might be a bit old-fashioned in this but I firmly believe that for young animals I am very confident that if...
Re: Cushings disease Hi there, masses of Cushing's Syndrome experience here. Back in the 1980's when this syndrome was first really recognised in...
Re: Safe to read....good news update!!! Hi Angela our nurses run the scanner over the whole dog if a stray comes in. But as a matter of course I...
Re: Safe to read....good news update!!! Angela - be very careful if you get him re-chipped, can cause all sorts of problems with Pet Passports if...
Re: Hens Same here as with Hattie. Our dogs do not chase the resident cats or guinea pigs in the garden (although they do look longingly at the...
Re: Hens No hen incidents this morning I'm glad to say. Lochan gave the hedge a very calculating look before being rapidly called to heel....
Re: Hens Lochan has a very soft mouth and the hen survived the experience completely unharmed. I discreetly stuffed it back through the...
The new tenants at the farm where I go to walk the girls have just got some lovely free-range hens. How do I know this? Because Lochan dived...
Re: Parent hip/elbow scores - are they an indication of predisposition to HD/ED? You are both most welcome
Re: Parent hip/elbow scores - are they an indication of predisposition to HD/ED? Such a difficult question to answer - you are really asking is...
Re: Today's fox poo incident And just found out we have non-dog owning visitors coming tonight. Might have to advise them that a taxi from the...
My morning today: two dogs bathed after emergency trip to PAH for Fox Poo Shampoo, washing machine had to cope with 2 large towels,1 chamois...