Re: Mousehunter The cat as usual gave his signature meow to let us know a gift had been presented then stalked off with no interest in the...
Re: Mousehunter Hi Lynne - my worst was when one of the cats brought home a live weasel and dumped it in the dining room.....the fleas that came...
Re: Mousehunter Tarka caught a live mouse that the cats brought in recently. It was completely unharmed by either species and the look on her...
Re: Rough Play As Debs says above, my two play together very roughly but no-one seems to get hurt. When all four are having a wild play in the...
Re: Leptospirosis Kerryn not quite sure what you mean by this. Leptospirosis vaccine is available as a single component vaccine i.e. vaccinating...
Re: Messed Up Yes, totally with you Helen I have a very hard hunting dog and I can't take my eyes off her off lead. Walks are never a relaxing...
Re: Water intake. Good advice above. As a rule of thumb we would reckon the maximum normal daily intake for a kibble fed dog would be about 50ml...
Re: Dry scaly patch on elbow Not a great photo but I would be pretty certain this is decubitus, very common in labs, usually but not always on...
Re: Killer smoke alarms.... No, not the same litter. Cuillin and Lochan are from the same breeder, 10 weeks apart in age and not particularly...
The battery in one of our smoke alarms must be getting low and it started to emit intermittent beeps tonight. Lochan didn't turn a hair, Tarka...
Re: Kibble - what's in it? No worries Pippa I didn't think for a minute you were having a go! Certainly the referral dentist we use sees slab...
Re: Kibble - what's in it? I think the main issue the BVDA has is the use of recreational beef bones/antlers/hard plastic flavoured chews etc...
Re: Kibble - what's in it? The current advice from the British Veterinary Dental Association is that to avoid tooth damage you shouldn't give...
Re: Dry scaly patch on elbow Can you post a photo? Sounds like decubitus, really common (sorry Riley to call you "common" but in all things...
Re: the good boy turns naughty Just loving his delight in the whole episode! Off to work with a smile on my face now....
Re: Today's walk retrieves.... Sadly as the ranger with them is my next-door neighbour I will undoubtedly be treated to a word-for-word account...
Well today Lochan excelled herself. The walk started as normal with a short drive to the farm, then straight out of the car off lead for a couple...
Re: Sams spots .............. Hi a few brief replies on this huge subject. Canine papillomas are usually viral and often spontaneously regress...
Re: Chipped teeth Wow what a weird injury. Almost looks like he's been holding something smallish and hard and has had it tugged out of his mouth...
Re: Cunning behaviour to gain rewards Walk today - no chicken, no crime......standard training walk, no running off despite seeing deer, lots of...