This isn't meant as a "my puppy is so great I've done such a good job with him" humble brag type of thing. I'm genuinely wondering. My lab Wilson...
Our local animal shelter (kill shelter) has a gorgeous 10 month old boy available to rescues only due to his high risk behavior. When I read over...
louie barks a LOT at anyone and anything passing the yard so I cannot Even let him be out in the yard. I was told to try a citron spray collar- is...
My 10 month old lab use to love people. She has always been a scared dog of random things but never people. In the past month she has been very...
Hiii everyone my black lab is 9 months old now and he is very playfull or he used to be.more than a week ago we brought a new female puppy in our...
Clover is 8 months old, and about the mellowest lab puppy you could imagine. She is seemingly content to lie around all day, getting moderately...