Hi there! I have been reading through posts and the website and I’m so grateful for all of this information! We have a 9 week black lab and have...
We've heard some conflicting information on this topic granted every pup is different, but I thought it would be great to hear what everyone else...
Hi guys, I need some arbitration, please. My husband and I are at loggerheads about how to raise and train our puppy (a 19 week old...
So we got a 9 week old Lab and he seems to be happy this last week in his new family. Toilet Training has been challenging. He doesnt wee or poo...
Hi everyone... So, it's now 5 weeks this Saturday that we will be bringing home our little fluffball. After sorting out our plan with the raw...
Hi, i posted a thread a few weeks before we were due to get our 2 puppy's and i can happily say 6 weeks after having them both they are a joy...