I've been reading the many threads on lead pulling but couldn't find anything specific to my current situation! My 16 month old female chocolate...
Its been just over 5 weeks with my first puppy, a lot of ups and downs, she's not a massive chewer which suprises me but for all the research I...
My 6 month old lab did great using Total Recall for some basics, (really just to come when i call her). Now we are starting to take her on walks...
So I have been walking Aspen on a back clasping harness since he was a puppy when he isn't off-leash. I have noticed that the bigger he gets, the...
Hi! I'm having a small issue with my lab when it comes to walking and the heel command. When I say heel he comes to my side as expected, but...
Hi, i posted a thread a few weeks before we were due to get our 2 puppy's and i can happily say 6 weeks after having them both they are a joy...
Hope you can help as I can’t find anything about this on the website. Dibley, 2 years old black Lab is fixated with balls and anything else you...
Hi all! I have a question for all of you. My puppy will be 14 weeks old tomorrow and has suddenly gone on strike when it comes to walking on a...
Our 1 year old choc lab Charlie has recently started refusing to walk any further when we're on the way home from his walk. He lays down on some...