1 yr old dog thinks everything is a toy, even with plenty of toy options and exercise

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Josiah, May 27, 2021.

  1. Josiah

    Josiah Registered Users

    May 27, 2021
    Hi there, first time post here!

    my 1 yr old chocolate English thinks everything is a toy. Apple remote, glasses, He especially loves socks. Anything that is within his eyesite. He becomes an extreme nuisance as we have to lift everything off the ground and only let him in our bedroom under extreme supervision.

    We’ve done rather extensive “leave it” clicker training, rewarding him when he ignores the items we want him to ignore.

    also, he gets regular and sufficient exercise. Even right after a good run, he still goes after these things.

    Any idea on what we can do differently?? Anyone experience the same issue and overcame this?
    Thank you!!
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Josiah,

    Welcome to the forum :)

    This sounds like pretty typical puppy behavior to me! They don't measure anything in terms of financial or sentimental value - just toy potential! I also wonder if your puppy has learned that picking up anything he can is a great way to get you to come running and interact with him. Best of all, you might bring treats, and if he plays his cards right (approach an object meaningfully, so you tell him to leave it) he might get those treats.

    You already have the solution in your post - lift everything out of his reach, and supervise him like a hawk in the bedroom. It also really helps to reduce stress and conflict if you can create a dog-safe area of your house, where he can just 'be', without potential for doing things you don't want him to. For example by sectioning off all or part of the kitchen with baby gates.

    The good news is, he's still emotionally quite immature, and he's still likely to calm down a lot :)
    Chris N, Michael A Brooks and Edp like this.
  3. amelbeach

    amelbeach Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2020
    What about one of those drinking bottles that people use with rabbits? Could be a good way to still get him water while waiting out the bowl obsession phase. Alternatively, a really heavy china bowl.

    Kodi nox

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