12 month old Black Eng Lab goes crazy when we get home

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Chiefchewy, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. Chiefchewy

    Chiefchewy Registered Users

    Apr 28, 2022
    Our lab does not have an issue when we leave but when we get home he is freaking out in his crate. We make him wait till he settles down before he can come out. He has figured that out well and settles with in min. As soon as we let him out he goes nuts again and it takes him 30 min or so for him to actually go back to about 75% normal. He started doing this months ago and we have spoken to, read, zoomed with and put to work every thing these trainers have told us. We have done months of work with setting up the household of dog pack so humans are the pack leaders. They only eat after we do and we gesture eat our selves before they do, they wait till we walk out the door before they can go out, we ignore them if they are demanding attn, time outs when they are barking at things outside and don’t stop, etc… all the other dogs have gotten on board with this, however Flint got worse and more demanding. Now If any other dog in the house comes near me he barks. We ignore him but it takes him longer and longer to stop. We had been instructed to give him time outs for this, but he actually enjoyed the attn he got just by being put in time out. He is an incredibly smart dog and it is almost as once he figures out the routine, he ups the game. We are at our wits end. We hate to leave any more because coming home is a nightmare and now other dogs are starting to get freaked out by his behavior. Hope someone can help.
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    At a year they are still very much an over grown pup and no behaviour is really proofed yet. How long is he being left in the crate ?
  3. Chiefchewy

    Chiefchewy Registered Users

    Apr 28, 2022
    We are retired so he is only in a crate when we go out(always less then 2 hrs) and at night. He loves his crate and goes in on his own here and there throughout the day as we leave the door unlocked and he pulls it open with his nose. He is outside with one of us and another dog in the yard for prob 50-75% of his waking hours so he gets plenty of exercise. We have other dogs and so there are multiple times during the day that he is in the house without us while we go through the walk rotation of them all. He is fine and doesn’t go nuts because I think he knows what we are doing. If we leave in the car… 1 or both of us that is when he goes bonkers worse for me then my husband. There are times especially in the evening where he gets agitated around 8:30 and has to go in his crate until bed… almost like a kid with sensory issues. Everyone is lying down, chilled out as we watch TV and all of a sudden he gets up and starts barking. Like he is demanding we go to bed. It is not a request to go out.. he goes to the door for that. We have had many labs for decades and have another currently and never have had one act like this.

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