Hello all, our family of 4 with two teenagers adopted a 12 week old shelter rescue this past week. She is a black lab & border collie mix but looks mostly lab with the white streak down chest. Crate trained so that is going well. Potty training #2 good so far but peeing few times a day inside. Has anyone had luck with a clicker or those doggie bells? Would prefer an ol fashion method (treats and such and closely monitoring) but teenagers helping not as patient !! Glad to join a community such as this so thank you.
10 week lab here, we are getting better, slowly. Perfect day yesterday but a pee inside today. Not sure if she is learning or if I’m just getting better at watching her. Lol. Good luck everyone, it won’t last forever, even if it feels like it now. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.
Yeah, same with us today!! Remus actually ran straight to the back door today when he had to poop!! Stared at the door handle and at me! He didn’t waste time going poop either, so I think he is catching on!