13 week old puppy hind leg paralysis :(

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by awood85, Jun 3, 2020.

  1. awood85

    awood85 Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2020
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the forums hoping some of you might have some ideas or suggestions of things we can look at to help our 13 week old black lab pup, maybe you know of pups with similar symptoms? - apologies in advance, its a long one!

    It all started the day after we could took him for his first public outing, a week after his 2nd vaccinations. We took him for a 25-30 min stroll (all on the lead, nothing strenuous) and found he started sitting down quite often in the last 5 mins. We didn't think anything of it at the time.

    The next day he seemed fine in the morning, maybe a little unsteady at times but what pups aren't at this age. By the evening he was sitting down and struggling a bit to get up on his hind legs. We thought maybe some muscle pain from the previous days walk...

    By the following morning he couldn't stand at all on his hind legs and would knuckle his hind feet when we tried to help him. He seemed happy enough, still wagging his tail, just a little frustration he couldn't get about.

    We took him straight to the vet who checked him over confirming he still had feeling in his legs and feet and wasn't in any pain anywhere else. They did a blood test for general health or deficiencies and a Neospora test and suggested an MRI and Neurology referral (unfortunately we hadn't yet got the insurance in place after we had 4 weeks free insurance with his microchip, so this isn't really an option unless we knew further costs won't spiral out of control and that the chances of recovery was good).

    He was put on Clyndamycin in case it was Neospora in advance of the results coming back. Over the weekend we see that he does still have some movement of hinds legs, not a lot but a bit (can stretch them while sleeping and they flinch a little if you tickle his feet) but there is no strength there.

    Results come in - all clear, not Neospora (phew!) and everything else seems in check. Another vet check confirms no real improvement but also no worse. More blood tests to check for Toxoplasma (although they think this will probably also be negative) and kept on Clyndamycin for now.

    Well its now a week from the evening where he first struggled to get up, and apart from 1 day he's still in high spirits. We're still waiting on the results of the Toxoplasma test but we think we're starting to see some small improvements, a little bit more hind leg movement and a little more strength, he's pulling himself around a bit more too - still a mile away from standing but we'll take that for now.

    Anyway it'd be great to see if you have any thoughts on possible causes, things to try to keep him mobile and any stories of similar issues or experience of neurology tests and scans.

  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hello and welcome to the forum :)

    Your puppy really has been through a worrying time! I'm afraid I don't have any experience to offer, but I hope he makes a full recovery soon.
  3. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    Do you think the reason might be that his muscles are maybe sore or not strong enough? Maybe try some hydrotherapy at home by filling the bath with warm water, sitting in with him and holding him to see if he is able to move his legs in the water? That way he doesn't need to hold his weight and might help strengthen them.

    Sorry not much help, hope he is better soon!
  4. awood85

    awood85 Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2020
    Thanks for the well wishes!

    We have tried him in the bath, but that was last weekend, may have to try again. We've held him up supported by a towel and you can see him trying to move his hind legs in sync with this front but it fairly minimal. I'm not sure his muscles are sore, he has no problem with us rubbing them or moving his legs around for him. It does look like a strength related thing but its pretty bad if its just that.

    The vet called this morning and is still waiting on the Toxoplasma results to come in, for now we're continuing the Clyndamycin and doing our best to keep him moving and trying to build some strength back up.
  5. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Is there any chance it could be an issue with his spine. Like a trapped nerve or something?
  6. awood85

    awood85 Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2020
    Yes possibly. I would hope the vet might have identified that is that was the case though. If the results come back negative then we'll request a consultation with the neurologist and see what our next options are.
  7. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    This was my thought too

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