19 week old loose stools advise

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Donogirl, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Donogirl

    Donogirl Registered Users

    Jun 5, 2018
    Hi all, we've had our fox red lab since she was 9 weeks old and everything was good to start with. Over the last few weeks she has started to have a loose sloppy stool on her evening walk after she's eaten her lunch at midday. All other poos during the day are easy to pick up but still on the looser side - compared to our other labs. She also seems to poo lots more than my older lab, but this may be due to age and the inability to hold herself.

    We've tried all the normal. Chicken and rice, probiotics, natural yogurt, cottage cheese etc but nothing seems to make much difference. She also has quite smelly wind. She's also has the horrible habit of eating her own (and others dogs if I don't stop her) poo which I'm hoping she will grow out of quickly.

    She is currently on Harringtons grain free, but has previously tried James Wellbegood and Skinners. All with the same effect. Other than this she is a healthy, happy pup with no health concerns. Just wanted some advise before we take her off to the vets.
  2. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Hi there. Because this is persistent, and not a one off, I do think your instinct to speak with her vet is the right call. I would do this today - it sounds like she's put up with this for a little while now, and the vet is the best person to help rule out any potentially concerning causes.

    If the vet gives her the all clear from infections, allergies, etc, this group will be a great place to ask about changing diet/routine etc to try to help - but it's important to rule out the medical stuff first :)
  3. Berna

    Berna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2014
    Take a stool sample to the vet to test for parasites (and giardia).

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