So buddy had his final jabs today (and what a good boy he was) but the vet said 3 weeks until he can go out?! I thought it was more like 2? Obviously I have to listen to the vet but what does everyone on here think? To be honest he wasn’t great, he didn’t know what a raw diet was, and the breeder who was in at the same time with us had to remind him to do the nasal one?
You really need to refer back to your vet practice for confirmation. The time between the last vaccination and being allowed outside on the ground can vary with the vaccine used, specific local health risks and your vets experience/recommendations etc. What my vet recommended was right for my dog, in my area and may not be right for you.
Hi, we were told to wait for 2 weeks before we could take Isla out after her last jab. It's frustrating isn't it,you can't wait to take pup out for a walk. Unfortunately we had waited what seemed like forever and when the time came Isla hated it! She refused to walk for some weeks, lol. Hopefully Buddy will love it!
Hi, our told us 24h !!?? But yes, really frustrating period and we had same problem with " no walk" behaviour .
Ha ha typical isn’t it.... Buddy is sooooo lively and inquisitive, so I’m thinking he’ll be straight off, but we’ll see. I’m already teaching him not to pull on his lead around our yard at my work, so fingers crossed he won’t be too bad, but I won’t hold my breath!