3 year old lab growling and nipping

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Eric Bollar, Aug 1, 2018.

  1. Eric Bollar

    Eric Bollar Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2018
    Oostburg, WI
    hi all,

    Our 3 y/o rescue lab has recently started a new, troubling behavior. When on the bed or couch he will growl at the kids when they approach him to pet him and this morning nipped my 5 year old daughter in the face when she approached him in our bed and touched his paw (luckily no skin broken just a raised welt and some tears). Granted I know dogs don’t really like their paws touched but this is a new behavior and only when on the bed our couch and really only in the mornings... otherwise he is perfectly fine all day. Is this resource guarding? We have now stopped letting him on the furniture.
  2. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    Hi @Eric Bollar , this does sound troubling for you. I'm not at all qualified in dog behavior just a regular pet owner, but I would suggest contacting a behaviourist who uses modern training methods, and it would be worth I think getting a check over from your vet to see if he has any health issues.
    good luck, I hope you can get things sorted.
  3. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Eric Bollar, parts of it sound like resource guarding and other parts do not sound like resource guarding to me. You mention it happens in the morning. Presumably he can be touched when on the bed in the afternoon. I'd be interested to know what else is taking place in the afternoon to change his behaviour from that which results in the morning..

    From the limited information available, you do supply a cause that fits at least some of the observations. Some dogs do not like having their paws touched. My Lab does not like to be hugged. When your dog growls he is warning you not to do so. If that is the reason why he acts aggressively, then I would avoid touching his paws. What to about the children? i would explain to them that paws, and tails are off limits. I would also find a way of explaining to them that growls are sometimes dog speak for the human equivalent of back off. I would not want to make them fearful of the dog. Perhaps get them and you to play with the dog before and after the lesson on dog language so that they can see the dog is basically friendly, except for his paws, and the bed.

    Now what to do about the resource of the bed/couch? Your approach is sound. The bed and couch are itrigger for the aggression. Remove the trigger. Remove the bed and couch so to speak from the dog. Supervise the dog when in the company of the children.

    I do agree with selina27--get the vet to rule out any physical causes for his change in behaviour.
  4. Eric Bollar

    Eric Bollar Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2018
    Oostburg, WI
    Hi all,

    Some more info I realized I should have included... the paws was the latest issue but it started every time he was on the furniture and one of the kids approached from behind. Example- he would be sitting in the couch or bed with his rear to one of the kids, they would lean in to pet him and that would get a growl. If the approached him from the front and they were not on the couch then never and issue.

    Also, first morning not in bed or couches and no issues.
  5. Eric Bollar

    Eric Bollar Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2018
    Oostburg, WI
    thanks for the advice! We have explained the growl to the kids and we have been extra careful not to scold him when he growls.

  6. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Thanks for the additional info @Eric Bollar I wonder if he has trouble with his hearing.if they are on the couch too and facing him, does he growl?

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