Hi, I am desperate for some advice. We've got a 5 1/2 month old black Lab (Willow) and whilst she is full of life and generally amazing she keep collapsing on her back left leg. Her front left paw is also rolling and she seems to be reluctant to put real weight on them. Her energy levels have dropped significantly also, which maybe just her growing up! We have reduced her to road walks only for the last 2 weeks (10 minutes maximum) and have seen some improvements in her BUT she is still easily unbalanced and knocked over. The vet has completed XRays and found no breaks or hip alignment issues but she is also concerned. Willows claws on both feet are noticeably worn too where she is dragging her feet rather than pads down. Can anyone offer advice?
I'm sorry to hear that your pup is having this issue. I'm all for seeing specialists when a health problem pops up that's not run of the mill. In this case I'd be thinking that an assessment from a qualified dog physiotherapist would be one option to pursue (look for postgraduate qualifications in physiotherapy - preferably degrees in both human and dog/animal physio). Another option I'd definitely talk about with the vet is a dog neurology specialist. I'm wondering if it's a neurological or even brain function issue (brain related problems can cause physical issues on one side only). Hope you get to the bottom of it. I know how terribly worrying it is when something is not right.
Really sorry to hear. So worrying for you. I'd also recommend specialist advice as recommended in the previous post. You need a proper diagnosis so that you can make a plan of action.
Cant add to the advice already given, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear of your worries x
Hi, I would be asking for a referral to a specialist vet who would do a CT scan before anything else, and then yes possibly a physio vet depending on the results. @Oberon 's suggestion of neurological issues might be spot on as doesn't obviously sound like joint problems from what you described. But this is only from my experience of having a young dog with hip and elbow dysplasia and arthritis in ankles and wrists. Hope you get this diagnosed soon.
I've nothing to add to the previous suggestions, but just hope that you're able to find out what's causing Willow's problems soon.
I can't offer any advice, but how distressing for you, I really hope you get a better picture of what's going on soon x