5am alarm clock

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Debs, May 7, 2014.

  1. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    I bet the week will drag 'till next Thursday Jane!

    I think the secret - once they are able to hold their bladder - is to let them know that you decide when they come out of the crate, not them. I have two giant nylabones permanently in her crate, so she chews them if she's awake and bored.

    I always potter round the kitchen, make breakfast, do the washing etc before letting Tatze out. I don't talk to her or look at her but I do uncover her crate. It works.

    On work days I am downstairs at 6am. None work days can be anything up to 8:30 or 9am. So I can't let her decide when up time is.
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Hi Debs, I am right there with you ! Meg now 14 weeks is always up at 530 ish despite what time she went to bed or exercise she had she day before. She does go back to bed though for an hour ish so I guess that's a bonus. They will grow out of it but I wish it would be soon, Emma morning pyjama/wellie garden walking girl ;)
  3. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Emma, pj's are the "new garden wear" this year ;)

    Mags, thanks for your post, I've been out and bought a giant nyla bone and will give it a go. :)

    Jane, we chose Maisie when she was 3 weeks old! How exciting, I'll look forward to seeing some pictures next Thursday then! :) :)
  4. gad

    gad Guest

    Re: 5am alarm clock

    You could try black out curtains where she sleeps? Don't laugh :)

    It coud just be as simple as - it's daytime, I'm up!!
  5. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Gordon, I think that's a good point! Need to get a blind on the back door and see if that makes a difference. Thank you! :)
  6. Nicmorris

    Nicmorris Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Ah Debs, I feel for you :(
    Maisie will probably be as good as gold in a few weeks but when you are sooo tired that feels like an eternity away, I remember it well from our last dog.
    Just hope my pup is a night owl and not any early bird ;)
  7. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Thanks Nicola, I really shouldn't go on about it as she is so good with everything else.....house training is brilliant, wees on command, obedience training go well and the "crocodile" is on it's way out! I'm just so tired! Now I know why I had babies when I was younger, he he!! :)
    So exciting about the new pup!
  8. Nicmorris

    Nicmorris Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    We are very excited, only 2 weeks and 4 days to go, not that we're counting or anything! ;)
    Sounds like you've got everything else sorted!!
    Have you enrolled on an obedience course or training her yourself?
    I think I'll be in bed by 9pm when we get our pup and let the hubby do the late shift of getting her into the garden etc, much like we did when our girls were babies!
  9. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Not long now then! Yes, we have started obedience training, but I'm not happy with the trainer, have a look at my post from Wednesday! However, I've just been given the name of someone else, so fingers crossed.
    It is just like having babies, hubby did the late shift and I did the rest! That was 14 years ago and I'm feeling the age difference! ::)
  10. Nicmorris

    Nicmorris Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    We have booked our pup onto an obedience class already (people think I'm bloody mad) as the trainer has been highly recommend but she is just too young for the class starting in June and they close for the summer so the next course doesn't start until the 23rd August when our pup will be about 18 weeks old.
    I know this is not ideal as it's best to start training straight away but I thought it might be better to wait for a good trainer? Obviously I will began some training at home before we start.
    I will have to find your post, I have been really busy this week and have missed most of whats been happening!
  11. teapot57

    teapot57 Registered Users

    Mar 30, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    We are getting the 5.00am alarm clock too. Previously I could get Albert to go back for half hour or so but not for the past 2 weeks. He will be 16 weeks on Friday and the 5.00am's are driving us mad, but in every other respect he is the perfect puppy and we love him to bits.

    He has his last wee at 11.00pm which I usually have to wake him up for, and 7/10 times he won't poo! He is bursting for a poo at 5.00am and I know this is great that he holds it for so long. We give him his last meal at around 6.00pm and the 5.00am poop is his first poo after that meal! Hubby thinks we should put the meal back till 7.30pm with the theory that (A) His need to poop will be later and (B) He won't be so hungry at 5.00am!

    Anyone got any thoughts on that??

    He has 3 meals a day now but I could easily switch back to 4 if that's the best way. Just think he is in this habit now as his internal alarm is exactly 5.02am every morning. It's uncanny how accurate he is lol! He is very excited when he wakes and we have the biting alligator for a good while until breakfast at 6.00am and then he goes back to bed around 6.30 which is too late for us to go back to bed!!! Ideally this would be a good time for him to wake up lol.

    Jan (very knackered)
  12. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Oh Jan, it's painful isn't it!!

    Maisie is now waking at 4.50am for a wee and then will go back to bed until 5.40am!! At 5.40 she is desperate for a poo, and like Albert has not pooped since her last meal at 6pm. It doesn't make any difference if she it let out for a last wee/poop at 10pm or 11pm or 12.

    I have tried changing the times of her last meal, taking her out for a short walk in the evening to see if that gets things moving ::), getting up at 3am to let her out, but it makes no difference. :'(
  13. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
  14. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Thanks Julie, there is hope then ;)
  15. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    I put Cooper (12 weeks) to bed at 11 PM and he sleeps through to 6:30/7:00 AM. BUT I used to get him at 3 AM for a wee and a poo but had to wait for the last for about 10 minutes but I rather did the waiting so he would go back to bed and sleep for another 3 to 4 hours. Now I don't need to but that might help. I know you probably dont want to get into the habit of having to get up at 3 but it worked for me then and, little by little, I stretched out the getting up in the dark from 3 to 4 to 4:30 and then decided to give it a shot to 6....and he made it.....so now I stretched it out to 7 am and he makes it. When you get him up at 450 for a wee, if you wait long enough he will also do a poo, and then you can put him back in the crate and see how much longer she will hold out? Just a thought. Good luck!
  16. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Ever since Harley came into our bedroom she has slept so much longer. At 3 months in the crate she was up before 6am. At 4.5 months she was up with us and slept til 7am, now at nearly 10 months hubby has to drag her out of bed at 7.15am for breakfast on week days then comes back to bed til I get her up at 8.30-9am (when daughter is home from uni, she gets up at 10-11am!) On weekends often she sleeps til 10/11am. We go to bed between 10.30/11.30pm, but she snoozes on the sofa from about 9-10pm :)
  17. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Oooh Naya, sounds like bliss! Does she sleep on your bed or her own bed? I can't imagine Maisie staying in her own bed when a large bed was near by!!
  18. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Naya....that is WONDERFUL! I am not a morning person so this would be the ticket!!! I will strive for this.....you have given me hope for a good lie-in!!!
  19. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Lol, so glad I can give you hope ;)
    She starts off on our bed, then when the lights go off she gets on her bed which is next to me, but usually she gets back up in the middle of the night ;) recently she hasn't got back up on the bed in the middle of the night - think it's been a bit too warm for her to have snuggles on the bed ;)
  20. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: 5am alarm clock

    Just wondered how all you 5am walking round the garden in PJ's gang are ??? We are still at it !! #stillshattered :)

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