6 1/2 Month Pup Vomitting - advise

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by JohnWilson, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. JohnWilson

    JohnWilson Registered Users

    Jan 22, 2022
    just looking for some opinions...

    last wednesday our Sophie started being sick in the evening and it carried through Thursday. On friday we took her to the vets who checked her over, gave us a rehydradtion soloution and said if it continue to come back the next day. She was fine the rest of the day but sick again a bit at nght.

    On the Saturday i took her back they did blood tests and an x-ray. Which were fine but perhaps some gas pockets in her. We discussed doing an ultrasound but the refering vet didnt think needed so we went home with instructions to feed her chicken and rice but call emergecny vet if sick again.

    Saturday afternoon and night she was fine. On sunday we gave her some of her kibble back and a full kibble meal sunday night. i now know this was too much too quick (first dog). She was sick again sunday night. Might not be relevent but she seemed to sick up a small knot of butchers string.

    We put her back on the basic food and back to the vet, they said she seemed less tender and so to continue chicken and rice diet for 3 days. we did that, no vomitting

    Yesterday started to with a mix of a quarter of per kibble amount with the chicken and rice in the evening she wasnt sick but made a few sort of gagging, stomach spasm noises.

    Today increased the kibble a little and fine most of the day until 23:00 when vomitted again.

    To me it feels like the issue is dietary, i was reading a little on intolerances and it also mentions scratching and ear problems. i would say she stractches more than normal and when i took her to the groomers they mentioned a blister in one ear. She has always been a bit sicky but we put it down to being pup, eating anything and too fast
  2. Salt&Light

    Salt&Light Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2022
    Itchy ears with sores and scratching is typically allergy. Sometimes they also lick paws. I have found my lab to be allergic to anything that contains “egg product”, also.
  3. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    You might try one of the hypo allergenic dog foods and if that helps, try some different ones to figure out what her triggers are. Our second lab seemed to have allergy issues, not vomiting, but chronic ear infections. We kept it more or less under control, but never figured out exactly what caused it. Our vet said it is more likely the protein in the food rather than the grains.

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