6 month old acting odd

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by MuddyBoots, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. MuddyBoots

    MuddyBoots Registered Users

    Jan 11, 2016
    Hi all, I often lurk around these parts having a look in every now and then to see how everyone else is doing with their pups! So far I've been insanely lucky with my chocolate Monty, I've not yet had any major problems with him apart from a bit of poo eating which was a flash phase!

    However, the past week or so he's been acting really odd. I took him to the vet and when she asked me to explain what was wrong it all seemed quite trivial but you know when something is a bit odd right? The main thing is he seems to want something all the time. He knows asking for food will never get him food so it's not that. At home, he keeps trying to get under things - under the table, under the chair and also sits by the back door a lot even though he doesn't want to go out. There's no unusual noises. And he's so reluctant to go for a walk, he just sits and looks at me and when I try and put his collar on he rolls over onto his back. Not in a playful way, in a 'I don't want to go' way. I'll finally get him out the back door and then he just sits at the gate at the bottom of the garden looking at me while I try and convince him to come to the car. He seems pretty happy once we get out for a walk though.

    The vet checked his hips and elbows and said all seemed fine. I was wondering if anyone else had an odd phase like this around 6 months?
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Hi and welcome :)

    Around this age they are starting to get a bit of a hormone surge, and behaviour can change a bit. Usually at around this age (or maybe a month or two older) they can become extra boisterous, which is the problem most people strike. So I wouldn't say that a change in behaviour of some kind is unusual...

    It's good that you've had him checked by the vet. Always safest to rule out physical stuff. When he's out on a walk would you say he has his normal level of energy and interest in things?

    Is he just wanting attention...? What happens if you do a short training session with him - is he into that? I'd probably just keep doing what you're doing, and making sure outings are fun (which I'm sure you do your best to ensure :) ).
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Younger than your dog, around 5 months, my dog started to be really funny about going for a walk. He started to hate his walking harness, but even when we stopped using it, it was like he hated the pre-walk stuff, and hated going out the front door! Was super strange. He loved his walks once they started though.

    He still doesn't love having his collar put on now, and I get no excited reaction to "walkies" - he is keen enough these days, and will even go fetch his collar and lead, but he is a dog that is super excited about EVERYTHING else, but not really the start of walks.

    I think that he had a bad experience, probably to do with his harness, and ended up associating this with the pre-walk stuff - despite my keeness and care to do everything right for my puppy! But honestly, sometimes it's just strange how their furry minds work exactly in terms of making negative associations...

    Anyway, I just kept encouraging him, with praise and treats, and so on, and we got over it. I hope it's the same for you.
  4. Luffy

    Luffy Registered Users

    Jul 26, 2015
    Luffy (now coming up to around 8 months) exhibits similar behaviors. After his ordeal (he is suffering from pano) he just takes off own his own and parks himself far and away from people. He never used to do this when he was younger as he was an attention seeker. He's always up for going out, so much so that if he notices you've put on shoes or a coat, he'll be apt to jump on you! Even though we have tried our best to socialise him, he still is a scardy cat: any strange noises in the garden and he scoots right on in.
  5. MuddyBoots

    MuddyBoots Registered Users

    Jan 11, 2016
    Oberon Hey and thanks! Ah, that's reassuring. He's been such a gentle puppy up until now and used to chew nicely on his toys, now it's changed to him clearly seeking out a toy he can destroy! He's become very boisterous the past few days, terrorising the elderly cat (who in fairness gives as good as he gets). Out on walks he has the time of his life, running around like a lunatic (especially now he has a kong safe stix!). He gets a whole load of attention and daily training sessions. I also sit with him on the floor every eve for half an hour tickling his belly etc which he loves. If I break it down we did have a busy period over Christmas and running up to with dogs to stay and then us staying at various houses so perhaps he's getting used the quiet again as it's just me and him in the house (plus the cat). It's so strange he's started sitting by the back door though - he hates draft and the cold and there's a gale coming under that door!

    JulieT Ahhh how strange! Now I think about it though I used to look after a golden puppy and at 5 months he started to do the same thing but the owner said it was because he was scared of the car.

    [USER][/USER] awwww look at little Luffy's beautiful eyes! I hope he starts to feel more confident soon.
  6. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Twiglet is a toy destroyer (7 months old) she was fine until 6 months old. Then all soft toys were destroyed. She could then have rope and rubber toys. Today two rope toys and a rubber toy were pulled and chewed to pieces. So now it's nylabones and kongs only! I have a small selection of toys I keep for playing with her, but put them away afterwards before miss crocodile can get at them!

    Here is the monster toy destroyer lol!


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