My 6 month old labs eyes are very droopy & you can see a lot of the inner eyelid (pink). Is this normal? I tried posting picture but I can’t figure it out? What concerned me is that I tried to touch near his eyes he whined. Help??
Hi @Giselle some dogs have slack eyelids, while others are tight. Most dogs do not like being touched around their eyes. I suspect your dog was whining because he was anxious. To be safe, please get your vet to check his eyelids.
Hi Giselle When uploading images you need to use a third-party hosting service such as Flickr. Information here: technical-help Sometimes puppies with droopy eyelids can grow into their skin, so to speak. Any evidence of soreness...redness different from the usual pink, inflammation or discharge then I would take puppy straight to the vet. In fact, I would take your puppy anyway for a quick check anyway, eyes are something to take very seriously in a pup.
Thank you @michael. This is my first lab and we just got him two weeks ago so it is very new. I read this can be common but his droopy eyes make him seem so sad that I thought it might be concerning. He has a vet appointment for his shots on Wednesday and we will have him inspect the eyelids as well.
Thank you! I will definitely keep an eye out for any change. He has an appointment on Wednesday and I will keep posted!
Her eyes might seem sad, but at that age I bet she manages to wag her entire body. Let us know what the vet says.
Hi Giselle I have a chocolate lab of 8 months and she has very droopy eyelids too. She also looks very sad and you can see lots of pink. My vet wasn't concerned. Hope this helps
Tilly has always had droopy lower lids. It doesn't cause a problem, but they are more often gooey and need to be wiped off. I don't know if it is related, but Ginger and Cooper seemed to have had better distance vision than Tilly. Still she could catch a ball or Frisbee with no problem.
Thank you, his appointment with the vet is later today so I will have an update. Hoping it is normal as I've been told on this thread!
IMG_0559[/url] by Giselle Valdovinos, on Flickr[/IMG] Bubba went to his vet yesterday! She said his eyes are perfectly fine, it's completely normal for his eyelids to show, especially when he is sleepy. Just need to watch out for any discharge or any debris going into his eyes. They will get better as he grows into his adult body. Thank you all for the help! @Ski-Patroller @Saffy/isla @Michael A Brooks @Beanwood