7 weeks til we get first ever puppy -any tips please?

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Cockador21, Feb 10, 2021.

  1. Cockador21

    Cockador21 Registered Users

    Feb 10, 2021
    Hi everyone! So, in 7 weeks we get our first ever pet, a beautiful cocker spaniel lab mix. I have been researching for hours a day to learn what we need and I’m getting there except struggling with a few things....
    • What do I need to bring the puppy home in the car? The crate will be too big, I gather I can’t hold her she has to be strapped in, what did you all do please?
    • How do I work out how big she will be/workout how much food she will need? The size difference between cvs and lab is quite a lot.
    Any must haves that you wouldn’t go without/wish you had had when getting a new puppy?
    Thanks so much
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Ooh how exciting, I can’t wait for the pictures. We bought Meg back in a wire cat basket, we had her in that for a while, seat belted in. It worked well. Food wise, you can usually work it out on the weight she is, rather than will be. To be honest it is all rather hit and miss as most manufacturers over feed. So you will just adjust to how your dog grows and develops. I not sure about things I wish I had, but the crate is the most positive, helpful tool ever. The best piece of advice ever got with this dog was to let her off the lead early, it really was daunting but paid off as we now have a dog that never leaves us. Read all the old threads in the puppies section, endless helpful experiences and be prepared for the crocodile stage ! :)

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