8 Year Old Lab Bad Breath

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by JennaH, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. JennaH

    JennaH Registered Users

    Nov 2, 2018
    I have an 8 year old female lab, with god aweful breath. Her teeth are healthy, as well as her gums, but her breath could knock out a small child.

    I need some suggestions or advice on how to tame the wild breath.

    She’s on grain free pup food, she doesn’t eat scrapes, for the most part she’s healt as a horse.

  2. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Has her breath always been bad, or is this a new thing? Has a vet checked her teeth and gums? (Especially if it's a new thing.)

    Smelly breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth. Carbs in food, become sugar - sugar feeds bacteria. You might be feeding a grain-free food, but (if it's a dry food), it won't be carb-free - grain free foods are instead full of potato, sweet potato or other carbs... which all become sugars just as easily, and feed bacteria just as easily.

    I'd suggest switching to a raw diet... which is both free of grains and carbs completely.

    Second, you could try adding some digestive enzymes to the diet. Dr Mercola is a reputable brand: http://amzn.eu/d/6OQR0Tr
  3. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    I had a dog (not a lab) who had really bad breath, she could clear a room with her bad breath poor girl. But she did have bad teeth, once they were cleaned the smell did not go away and she lost 4 teeth in the process. Needless to say we learnt that if we wanted her to keep her remaining teeth we would do anything possible to keep them, regular cleaning, doggy toothpaste, bones (raw - they're a little softer and dont splinter- atleast i've never had an issue) . Has she had her teeth cleaned by a vet? Maybe they can spot something you cant?

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