A few b's about giving my old girl cbd for joint pain

Discussion in 'Senior Labradors' started by Unforgiven1, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. Unforgiven1

    Unforgiven1 Registered Users

    Dec 8, 2018
    Now that in a few weeks I will finally be able to afford it I want to get my old girl on some type of cbd supplement for joint pain. I've done a lot of reading online about this, however, there is a lot of different brands and different dosages etc,etc. I'm not sure what brands to trust and what a good dosage to give her to help her not to feel joint pain. I feed her science diet active longevity food and I got her slimmed down to about 50-60 lbs but unfortunately she still has joint pain in her hips. Any help,advice,tips would be greatly appreciated bo both myself and my girl
  2. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    I tried CBD for my own shoulder pain (partial rotator cuff tear) at night, and found it did not do much, unless it was combined with THC. NSAIDS did more. Tilly is on Deramaxx for shoulder pain.
  3. Shadow

    Shadow Registered Users

    Feb 7, 2019
    Sacramento, California
    Salmon oil works great.... A couple of squirts in the kibble works wonders... it's the omega 3's
  4. Unforgiven1

    Unforgiven1 Registered Users

    Dec 8, 2018
    To be honest here I don't know what that feels like, I've had pulled muscles before but it's my understanding the pain level isn't in the same ballpark. I've tried rimadyl and my dog constantly got sick off of it, I thought cbd oil might be better for her but at this point its only a guessing game. She is more than worth trying this out for. She means more than the entire world to me
  5. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    For more information on CBD oil, including which types to try and where to get it from, there is a great FB group on this subject: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cbdoilforpets/ Have a look in the Announcement tab, for that group - which has lists of recommended CBD oils.

    For joint pain, there are a few other things you can also do:

    • Use Grizzly Wild Salmon Oil - you can get this from Amazon
    • Use Golden Paste - which is curcumin and coconut oil - you can purchase this made-up or you can make it up yourself. I get mine in the UK from: https://goldenpastecompany.co.uk and give my senior dog a good 10cm slug of it in each meal.
    • Put your dog on a good quality chondroitin and glucosamine supplement. If you are seeing clinical signs of a problem and are in the US, try Glycoflex 3 which has good research into efficacy: https://www.amazon.com/Glyco-Flex-B...ex+3&qid=1553088004&s=gateway&sr=8-3-fkmrnull If you are in the UK, try Riaflex Joint Plus: https://www.riaflex.co.uk/products/canine-joint-plus/
    • Fed a raw complete (pre-mixed) diet if you can. Carbs are inflammatory and all kibble contains carbs. If you switch to a raw diet, you will likely see the pounds come off your dog (which in itself should improve her mobility and pain) but will also be removing inflammatory carbs from the diet. Look up Dr Becker on Facebook. If you can't feed raw, look into feeding Ziwipeak - which is air-dried raw and doesn't need to be frozen and involves zero mess - and still no carbs.
    If all that fails, talk to your vet about cartrophen injections - unlike Rimadyl or Metacam, these involve very few side effects and are extremely effective: https://www.thelabradorsite.com/cartrophen-for-dogs/ - here's info from the manufacturer: http://www.cartrophen.com/for-dog-owners/faqs/

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