Our friend in Cornwall lost her old dog a few months ago. Time has moved on and this is the result. Don't have a name yet. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1F9100DDA93E49B2!17877&authkey=!AGcHXpstkJAZgv0&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg 8)
Re: A friend has a new puppy! Oh, that's just adorable! Boy or girl? Age? When do you get to have puppy play dates??
Re: A friend has a new puppy! No name yet. 8 weeks. Sex ? Need to find out - just got the pics by email but NO important info. Marie lives in Cornwall and we are in Surrey so I guess next trip to Cornwall in the spring.
Re: A friend has a new puppy! Here's an update. My friend picked up Barnaby on Sunday. He is just over 8 weeks old. Heart says I'd like another puppy to keep Lady company. Head says don't be silly!
Re: A friend has a new puppy! There is NOTHING quite like that "I'm fast asleep now" puppy smile... ;D ;D ;D
Re: A friend has a new puppy! Gorgeous I'm in the same category as you David......would love another pup, but head says not for sat least another year
Re: A friend has a new puppy! Very cute photo! You really don't get bored of puppy pictures, even when they're not your own, do you?