A novice dog trainers training log

Discussion in 'Your Training Logs' started by MaccieD, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Well you have your work cut out for you, Rosemary :eek: All that reading. Lets us know which one your choose :)
    MaccieD likes this.
  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    @newbielabowner The brain was going into overdrive last night and couldn't sleep. 02:00 sitting in bed reading - hasten to add not a course book just general reading to try and get brain to switch off.
    @Cath leaning mote towards Jean Donaldson as it's a "training" book ranging from sit and stay to retrieving to roll over..... Msy be nice to get away from theory to practical and can brush up with Juno at the same time
    Cath likes this.
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Which book did you like the best?
  4. JohnG

    JohnG Registered Users

    Feb 15, 2014
    So true MaccieD. This was one of the first dog psychology books I ever read so influenced me a lot, including use of those training discs. Given that John Fisher is no longer on this planet, but the 2012 second edition was updated by Pam Mackinnon, I'm pretty appalled that she left all the sound aversive stuff in there to be honest. She's totally off my "people worth listening to" list now! :(
  5. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I think it has to be the Barry Eaton book on Dominance. It really made me think about our dogs and how we live with them and train them. It left me thinking "How could anyone think that they have to be "Alpha"" or that their dog is trying to dominate them because it pushes through a door first. My next favourite has to be the Karen Pryor although I does become a little repetitive. That said I would love to make the positive reinforcement doubters read it (and probably beat them around the head with the Barry Eaton book at the same time - I know not quite what a positive reinforcement trainer should do ;)).

    I was left pondering on the "what if's" of the John Fisher book as he sadly died in 1997ut played such an important role in founding the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors and the Association of Pet Dog Trainers.

    One book I forgot to add to the list was Clever Dog by Sarah Whitehead, a protégé of John Fisher, which again is a resume of behavioural cases she has dealt with.

    I think one of the most important learning outcomes so far from my reading is the importance of identifying and understanding a dog's body language

    Now off to read some more Coppinger and Coppinger
  6. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I understand what you're saying but if she had removed al reference to the use of discs wouldn't it actually be an inaccurate representation of John Fishers's work? It's fact that he developed some training discs to be used as a noise aversive so does anyone have the right to just wipe it away just because it is now generally frowned upon? As he was one of his own greatest critics whose to say what his opinion would be now?

    For me what is important is to read and make informed decisions. I personally would not like to use the discs now, but based upon the cases he was discussing whose to say I wouldn't if it was a choice of trying an aversive or having a dog destroyed. To clarify I will also admit to using a similar noise aversive to the discs back in 2000/2001 with my Italian Spinone on the advice of a trainer/behaviourist, I have to clarify that Flynn was "challenging" when out of the house and pulled terribly and pulled me through numerous bushes and off my feet on a regular basis, and we had tried every recommended way to train him to stop pulling and he was clicker trained from around 12 weeks. Within a week he totally ignored the noise of the discs and carried on in his own inimitable way. I also know that today I would approach his training very differently
    charlie likes this.
  7. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Well, finally completed my first assignment and have emailed it so now the nervous wait begins. The assignment is a could of weeks later than intended but life has sort of intervened a couple of times but that's the advantage of not having a heavily fixed timescale. I don't which is worse sometimes doing the assignment or waiting for them to be reviewed and sent back. At least as far as the course is concerned there is no right or wrong answers on that assignment, it's you discussing the topic and expressing your opinion. Although this unit is quite 'heavy' I have found reading about dominance theory, and why our dogs are not wolves very interesting. I just wish I found it easier to write about ;) .

    At least having learnt from my mistakes on Unit One and not checking which books were relevant for the assignment I have already checked on Unit 2 and ordered another 2 books ready to read for the assignment (How Dogs Learn by Burch and Bailey and The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson). I've even read the assignment questions so I can now focus on the reading. Priority 1 to finish the Coppinger & Coppinger book (I didn't need to read all of it for the 1st assignment) but the book is recommended for this unit as well. So Unit 2 relates to Factors affecting Canine Behaviour and covers topics such as the effect of diet (compulsory assignment question), the effects of stress, stress coping strategies, potential effects of vet treatment and training related problems.

    Why is it I'm getting the feeling that this Unit is going to be harder than it appears on the surface. Hey, ho onwards and upwards :)
    charlie likes this.
  8. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Well done Rosemary for completing your first assignment, I bet that felt good :) Look forward to hearing all about the next one. Are you enjoying the course? Good luck xx :)
    MaccieD likes this.
  9. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I am enjoying the course although at times when you look at the books you've got to read it all becomes a bit daunting, but on the other hand I wanted to do the course to gain a greater understanding of dogs and how they think and learn and how we interact with them and it is certainly making me think all the time.
    snowbunny and charlie like this.
  10. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    That's great Rosemary, also you can then share your knowledge with us and help us have a better understanding too :) x
    MaccieD likes this.
  11. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Your reading list is very intimidating, I have to say!
  12. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I'm hoping that the new addition to the reading list are 'lighter' than some so far. Fingers crossed that the Jean Donaldson is as easy to read as her Train your dog like a pro. I will get round to doing a short review on that but I'll wait and see what the feedback is on the review submitted for my assignment - may be able to just copy and paste.
  13. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Well I am definitely impressed!
    MaccieD likes this.
  14. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    I think this is key and we shouldn't wipe out history because we don't like it any more. It just needs to be put in context, understand why it does or doesn't work and what the better alternatives are. What's that quote "When we know better, we do better", so many trainers have come from an aversive filled background. That they choose to do things differently now is important :)

    Looking forward to hearing more about your course, it sounds great although I hope it's not six months of this amount of reading! My brain would be full up after about a week!
    pippa@labforumHQ and MaccieD like this.
  15. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I do wonder sometimes if the book I'm reading is in English :eek: :rolleyes: but there is a good mix of texts both 'light' and heavy and scarily some of the reading is lodging in the brain o_O :D
    bbrown and Cath like this.
  16. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Whoop, whoop, whoop! :happyfeet::dancesheep::cancan: First assignment returned today and received a B+. To say I'm pleased with that grade is an understatement as the bulk of the assignment was centred around all the Dominance Theories and the evolution of the dog. I may just treat myself to a glass of wine this evening to celebrate ;), it might even help to straighten out respondent conditioning/behaviours and when they overlap with operant behaviours, particularly when procedures operant in nature can be respondent :confused::eek::)
  17. Newbie Lab Owner

    Newbie Lab Owner Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Congratulations and well done Rosemary. Excellent news :D
    MaccieD likes this.
  18. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Well done, you must be pleased. Hope the wine sorts out the next part!!
  19. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I opened the feedback report with some trepidation, but am really pleased with the mark and the comments. It's some validation that after all the technical reading for assignment, I had actually taken on board more than I thought.

    I'm taking Jean Donaldson's advice for dog training and allowing myself some sleep before I go over today's reading. If sleep helps dogs when learning new 'stuff', hopefully it will help me :D
    Stacia and Newbie Lab Owner like this.
  20. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    For my second assignment I've had to research two brands of commercially available dog food to discuss the pros and cons of each food and then choose which food I would buy and the supporting reasons for that decision. I have to admit that the research opened my eyes on what actually goes into some of those foods and how manufacturers 'hide' the true quantities of fillers used together with the 'benefits' of some of the ingredients which are cast in doubt according to which websites you read :( I've also come to the conclusion that I wouldn't consider a food which doesn't list the actual % of ingredients on the packaging listing the main ingredient first doesn't necessarily tell the full story.

    The second part of the assignment was to either to review a training class which you had attended or to discuss the behavioural problems that can arise when a dog suffers illness, injury etc. As I felt a little guilty phoning a trainer to ask I could attend one of the lessons to critique it, I decided to discuss the behavioural problems which could result from health issues as I felt had some relevant experience to call upon through Juno's ED.

    So after lots of hours researching on the internet, both questions for the assignment were duly completed and submitted for marking. So today was the day that my assignment, all marked and commented on, dropped into my mailbox :eek::eek:o_Oo_O, so finally plucked up courage to open it to see a mark of A- and very positive and complementary feedback :dancesheep::dancesheep::happyfeet::happyfeet:.I've been completely she'll shocked this afternoon as I really thought I had gone wrong on the second question, so very, very happy.

    So onwards to unit 3 assignment, and thank you to all those forum members who have kindly already posted on the 'If you were a dog' thread. I will be beginning work on the assignment during the next week so,if you would like to add your thoughts on a dog's life and thoughts, please do. I just hope I can do justice to our all your doggy thoughts

    Karen and Newbie Lab Owner like this.

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