Dear Mr Admin, Techie person! Would it be possible to add a banner across the top of the site, like the one on the main website. To make the forum more welcoming and friendly in appearance. What do others think? Is that a good idea?
Re: A pretty banner? I think it's a good idea to visually connect the two - a banner is great but I do like the nice clean look of these pages so please leave them alone
Re: A pretty banner? It's certainly possible, we may have to change the theme of the forums to accommodate a banner which might entail slightly altering the dimensions of the one you have on the main site, but that shouldn't be too arduous. I'll have a tinker and see what I can come up with.
Re: A pretty banner? How's this? I've borrowed a customised version of a free theme and customised it some more. Let me know what you think...
Re: A pretty banner? I like it a lot. I think it still looks clean, without looking like every other smf forum. What do others think?
Re: A pretty banner? In general I like it a lot, but I think the banner isn't quite right. The gap at the bottom of the pictures is a little distracting, and I wonder if the blue gradient should just be plain black?