There was a very sad little boy at school today. His aunty's 17 year old lab( not sure if this is accurate) was put down. He's normally quite a lively lad but was such a sad little soal all day. He didn't want to go out to play so he came with me to the art room where he painted pictures of her and told me all about her. I had to keep myself busy sorting out the paper drawer so as not to show I was welling up too.
Oh bless him and you for taking the time to let the poor little boy paint some pictures and have an outlet for his grief. I'd have been welling up for sure.
Oh poor little boy it's so tough Lovely that he felt he could draw pictures of her and talk to you which will help him. What a lovely Teacher you are xx
How kind of you. Poor lad - he will remember that dog all his life. 17 is a very good age for a labrador!
Poor love , its so hard to explain these things to children, but talking, painting and writing are all good releases of emotions and will help him an awful lot .