A worrying time

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Newbie Lab Owner, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    No excuse. My vet is from a country where the general population use dogs as tools - disposable tools at that. Yet he is full of love for animals, gets down on the floor to make the dogs feel more relaxed and gives them lots and lots of treats. He's never even scruffed my ferrets (which is very common handling) - we just distract them with malt paste while he vaccinates them, cooing at them and telling them how pretty they are :)

    I'm glad your regular vet is one of the good ones :)
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    What a dreadful experience, for both of you . For heavens sake, you have a puppy, not a robot , I really do feel for you because a nasty experience can put the best of dogs off going to the Vets for a long time . I am very fortunate in that our Vet is a friend who we have known for over 30 years , junior partners are also lovely . I hope you have a much better visit on Friday and that Dexter is feeling a lot better real soon x
  3. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    It's good to hear that Dexter is already feeling better. I hope the visit to the vet on Friday goes well and Dexter doesn't remember his recent experience. Patience and a good 'bedside manner' goes a long way to making visits to the vet less traumatic for the animals and the owners!
  4. Newbie Lab Owner

    Newbie Lab Owner Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    I agree snowbunny, no excuse and since talking again with my husband after he came home from work, he told me he has been spitting feathers throughout the day at a vet making such harsh assumptions in such a short time. When I told him how hurt and upset I was he told me I have every right to be as I have put in so so much time and effort into Dexter to help him be a well adjusted and sociable dog. That includes many visits to the vets, encouraged by the nice vet and the nurses (at quiet times when they can give him as many positive experiences as humanly possible). This one unfortunately, although spoke to Dexter, did dive in rather quickly. I hate disliking someone as I always take it as if it's my fault, well for the sake of my boy, that stops now, I'm going to carry on and get Dexter back on track with the help of the nice vet and the nurses. Shame I couldn't have used treats today but due to the vomiting couldn't risk it. Yes, Dexter's not perfect and pushes the boundaries, what teenager doesn't but he is such a lovely boy, ok I know I'm biased, I'm not afraid to ask for help and support when I need it or even just need reassurance and the best advice by far has come from this forum and the main site. Dexter loved the Pro-Kolin+ paste and using reward based clicker this afternoon I even managed his eye drops. I can put the dropper close to his eye but not yet let the drop go in, so I scrubbed my hands, put some of the drops on my finger and got them in the corner of his eyes, different finger for each eye. May not be ideal but for only a short couple of training times this afternoon, it's good enough for now. He had been through enough today and I wasn't prepared to have him forcefully restrained again.

    It's been a real help to get all my frustrations out of my head and get positive support from you all. Thank you so much, I'd have been a wreck by tonight without you all.
  5. Newbie Lab Owner

    Newbie Lab Owner Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Emily, that's a horrible experience for you and Ella. One of my cats, years ago had a really mucky nose, the vet I went to tried stuffing a huge swab up his nose, not just getting the muck just by his nostril but right up, it was bigger than my cats nose holes. Well Archie bless him, stuck his claws up and the vet smacked him around the head. My poor cat ended up frothing at the mouth and the vet said he'll have to stay and be sedated. I felt awful leaving him there and now I never would have but all got sorted and I never went back. The next vet was horrified when I told her and was brilliant with him. I know it hurts when animals react but they're unwell, scared and bewildered, they need compassion and understanding. By all means if you use all that and it's safer to muzzle, then so be it but give the animal a bit of a chance to calm down. Poor Dexter didn't even get chance to sniff the stethoscope. I have one so will get it out and work with it. He's always been fine as the other vet let him sniff it and didn't keep approaching from behind.

    I'll let you know how it goes on Friday.
  6. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    He's a lovely looking boy, by the way, from your avatar!
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    What a terrible vet. You wonder why some people make the career choices they do..

    Hope Dexter has a peaceful night.
  8. Kpeters58

    Kpeters58 Registered Users

    Nov 7, 2015
    Like a sick puppy isn't stressful enough! Rude vet. He could have said nice things and soothed you a bit. If you relax Dexter will relax.
  9. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain

    I think what Karen means to say is .... can we have some bigger pictures to coo over, please? ;)
  10. Newbie Lab Owner

    Newbie Lab Owner Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Pleased to report that Dexter had a really good night, we've had no further vomiting and he's picking up well. I have to take my dad into respite later this morning so I'm glad Dexter will be ok to leave for a couple of hours, if he seems unsettled before I go I'll get my hubby to come home for a while but I think Dexter will just sleep.

    snowbunny I'll go through my photos but he does tend to sit in the same pose lol. I'll also post some videos even though the sound didn't work and they're rather shaky I can write what we were both doing.

    Karen, he is a rather handsome boy
  11. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Good to hear that Dexter had a good night and is feeling better.
  12. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Glad to hear Dexter had a good nights rest.
  13. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    That's good news about Dexter, hope he continues to improve. x :)
  14. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Good news that Dexter is feeling better. My girl is very nervous of the vets after being rushed into surgery at 1 years old. Since then she has been reluctant to go into the consulting rooms. It has taken months of visits, sitting in the waiting room then leaving or going into a consulting room when it's not being used. Luckily my vets and nurses were really supportive.
    Personally I would let the nice vet know how the other vet made you feel. If they don't get told they can't rectify anything.
    Hope Dexter continues to improve
  15. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Just catching up on this thread, really glad to hear Dexter is on the mend. X
  16. Newbie Lab Owner

    Newbie Lab Owner Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Naya I will tell him tomorrow.

    Everything was going so well, no vomiting since Sunday night, introduced Dexter's usual puppy kibble today putting small amounts with the i.d. meat that's been prescribed and not too much at a time. Fed him about 3.30pm and at 4.15pm he was snuggled in his crate as I had to go out. My husband came in just before 4pm, he didn't give anymore food but at 6.30pm after drinking approx 100 to 200ml of water, Dexter vomited again . He seems fine in himself today apart from this, every time he's vomited it's been after drinking. One step forward two back at the moment. He has slept through the last two nights though so that's a bonus. I'm still sleeping on the couch in the lounge with him in his crate as I can be on hand should he need me and my hubby can get a good nights sleep as he's up at 5am for work.

    So glad it's the nice vet tomorrow
  17. Newbie Lab Owner

    Newbie Lab Owner Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Oops I mean Monday night not Sunday, won't let me edit the post.
    And 5pm not 4pm. Lol, I have puppy brain syndrome
  18. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    awww poor Dexter!
    How is he now? x
  19. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Hope the vomiting has stopped and Dexter's on the mend.
  20. Newbie Lab Owner

    Newbie Lab Owner Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    An update, Dexter went back to the vets today as he still on some days has mucky eyes and they look sore but not everyday. We saw the original vet that I didn't particularly like and he was brilliant this evening. He went to look in Dexter's eyes and I said "oh just a minute I'll set him up for you first". I got Dexter to sit, got my clicker and told him eyes, I looked and pulled down his lower lid, C&T. Then the vet was able to look and he was really impressed. When Dexter started to get nervous of the florecent drops, I said we could use his tennis ball, it's probably more a bribe than a lure but worth it tonight. Dexter stared at the ball, the vet was able to put in the drops, a Dexter got another C&T, the lights were put out and the vet could shine the torch to get a good look at Dexter's eyes whilst he stared again at the ball. He then got to play with his ball in the surgery whilst the vet wrote up his notes. We have eye drops now to see if it's an allergy, review next week and if no improvement Dexter will be referred to an ophthalmologist. The vet couldn't have been more lovely and also gave Dexter a treat and a pet and said what a good boy he was :D:):D
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