Larks came home yesterday afternoon after staying at the vet overnight after her spay. She seemed fine last night besides having too much energy. This morning she has been peeing pretty frequently. Usually she will go once or twice when I let her out but today she has been going 3 or 4 times when we go out. I let her out and 20 minutes later she was whining at the door. I didn't let her out because I figured she just wanted to go out to play (which she isn't supposed to do!). She then peed in the hall in 2 different spots and in the bedroom. I feel terrible for not letting her out but is frequent urination common after a spay? I did call the vet and have an appointment set up for tomorrow in case it doesn't get better today.
Yes, frequent urinating is common when a dog comes off of IV fluids. Axel was just neutered last week and every time he had to pee. Which was every 10 minutes for a few hours, out we would go
Yes, Quinn had a few accidents post spay (mostly while she was coming off the anesthetic and couldn't get to the door very quick) and had runny poop (from the stress) so we were out a lot with her!
And remember its major surgery for them so there is also likely to be swelling internally too. Ours had a few accidents inside about 10 days after wards too. Over about 2 days then we started making sure we went back to putting her outside more often til she seemed to go back to her normal behaviour too.