Adopted Pup Need desperate Advice

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Katelynjb, Oct 16, 2016.

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  1. Katelynjb

    Katelynjb Registered Users

    Aug 2, 2016

    Couple of days back I had to visit a friend's house and god forbid what i saw was most distressing.

    They had a lab (26 days old - as vet predicts) and he was fed upon just milk, and mashed rice and nothing at all.. I went to the extent of slapping my friend and had due picked up the puppy and brought him home. Long story short, she has bought the pup from an irresponsible breeder who had sold him at 20 days, so she was fed on this crap for 6 days !!

    I had him thoroughly checked by the vet yesterday, he has no issues except the feeding aspect. Deworming is done and i am feeding him on Semolac and Royal Canine puppy milk alternatively. I even tried RC Maxi Starter and he gulped it down today.

    Now coming to the issue, he's adamant on drinking water.. The only form of water he takes in is when warm water is mixed with semolac in a semi solid state. Other than that he is just adamant on drinking water, i even tried getting him water with a syringe but he refuses to open his month.

    I am afraid he will get dehydrated soon, I would seek you guys advice asap on this, I have tried the feeder, bowls etc but nothing works !

  2. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    I wish I could give you advice, but I am not experienced in very young pups. Probably best to contact vet as they have already seen the pup.
    Good luck, sounds like a very upsetting situation, and very sad for the pup.
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Moderator Note: Moderators note

    Sadly, in some parts of the world there is a tragic trade in tiny puppies barely able to walk. On the Labrador site we frequently get comments from people who have purchased puppies as young as 21 days old. Their owners will usually need help from a qualified veterinary professional if the puppy is to survive and thrive.

    Our forum policy is to encourage people to wait until their puppy is eight weeks old before collecting it from the breeder. To make sure we are not encouraging the trade in underage puppies, nor depriving these puppies of essential veterinary attention, we have the following rule.

    If a forum member’s puppy has been removed from the breeder/ mother before the age of seven weeks, that member must wait until their puppy is seven weeks old before posting about him or her on the forum

    We recommend that anyone with a puppy under this age contacts their vet without delay for instructions on feeding, general care, and medical treatment. We understand that members want to help these puppies, but the forum is not the right place to be distributing specialist advice of this nature.
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