Hi, My 7 month old lab drinks her water then a few minutes later vomits. We have bought 2 anti gulp bowls (as she also gulps her food too) and she is drinking enough water throughout the day as we keep check. I'm just concerned if this is normal it happens approx 2-3 times a week at most. Do we need to take to the vets? Thanks
Hi Yasmin, I think labs often eat or drink so quickly that they bring a little up. Anti gulp bows would be my only suggestion. I assume you are feeding from ground level, not raised bowls as that can encourage coughing/vomiting after food and water. if you are worried, running it past your vet would be the logical next step. (Oh - and welcome to the forum!)
That's what I thought, yes she gulps everything even treats! Yes her bowls are on the floor. I'm going to give it a couple weeks make a diary of how often it happens and make an appointment with the vets. Thank you I'm pleased ive come across it. Super helpful.