
Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Bruer, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Bruer

    Bruer Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Just was wondering if anyone has had any problems with it? Nevis has never liked getting it on and he always seems off for a day or two after, nothing drastic just off or hingy if you're from Scotland ;D Today however i thought i'd let him see me making up a kong thinking he'd be otherwise distracted while i put it on but he wasn't having any of it! he tried everything to get away, I managed to get one spot on which really upset him and sent him running around rubbing himself against everything trying to get it off. Eventually he calmed down but then he started panting. tried to tempt him his kong but he wouldn't touch it :-[ He's better now but still a bit off. Is there an alternative that you don't have to put on their backs? :-\
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Advocate

    Well, it's possible that this is about the routine that has developed around the application, rather than the application is in anyway painful. He might not like the smell, and it might tickle a bit if it runs down his skin if you've put too much in one place.

    Don't let him run round and be silly, or work himself up into a state, with you also getting tense and concerned (so him becomes more convinced there is indeed something to worry about). Pop him on a lead, hold him gently but firmly, and get on with it.

    I mash quarter of a sardine round Charlie's bowl, smear it all around so it takes a good 30 seconds to lick off. While Charlie is engaged in removing every last trace of the smeared sardine, on goes the advocate, ear cleaner, or whatever. And it's done, no fuss.
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Advocate

    It does smell rather unpleasant, and I think it also tastes horrible - he may have got a lick at it a one point and now just hates the whole concept.

    Is there any sign of skin irritation at the spots where it goes on? We distribute it over half a dozen spots right down his back so it's not all in the one place.

    Don't let him rub himself on any 'natural' type leather upholstery as it'll bleach the leather.
  4. Bruer

    Bruer Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: Advocate

    Thanks Julie I'm not sure how this fear has come about but will try as you said give him something to keep him busy then do it, maybe i should have given him the kong rather than thinking he'd be to preoccupied waiting for the kong that i could apply it then reward him with the kong if that makes any sense :eek: What did you think about him being off and heavy panting do you this he's just getting too upset :-[
    Oberon I only managed to get it on one place today usually i spot him down his back. Goodness the stairs got it my leather suite got it, the carpet, walls anything he could rub himself on while i tried distracting his with toys and treats which didn't do much good
  5. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Advocate

    We put that kind of stuff on Obi just before bedtime. I wonder if that might help slightly (especially if his access to the whole house is restricted a bit at bedtime).

    The panting could just be the stress of it all, but if you're thinking it's more than that then a quick chat with the vet might be a good idea :)
  6. Bruer

    Bruer Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: Advocate

    He seems to have settled now so i'll see how he is tomorrow. If he's fine i'll leave it till next month, try again while he's distracted with something good hopefully it will be less stressful for him. Will have a word with vet if same happens again.
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Advocate

    It's good to ask your vet what the adverse reactions might be - there is always the risk of side effects.

    If you want, you can check it out yourself here:

    It may be that the panting is just related to the problematic routine. Do take care he isn't licking the product though. It might be wise to keep him on lead, and occupied, until he forgets all about it. It is probably not a good idea to let him rub himself all over the house (my boy would do this with ear cleaner until I stopped him).

    Like Rachael, I put advocate on at bedtime.
  8. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: Advocate

    You mention spotting him down his back - I think Advocate is supposed to go on the back of the neck as it's one place a dog can't reach to lick.
  9. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Advocate

    The application instructions for advocate vary by size of dog. If the dog is over 25kg, you apply the product in 3 or 4 places from shoulder blades down the back.
  10. Berna

    Berna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2014
    Re: Advocate

    What do you apply it for?

    If it's for Heartworm, try Milbemax. It's a chewable. It also works for other intestinal worms.

    If you use it for fleas, you can try a collar like Seresto, or Frontline spray if you don't want to use a topical.

    I use it for heartworm during the warmer months and never had a problem.
  11. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Advocate

    I tend to apply Advocate to Lady when she is eating as not much will distract her from that. I put it in a couple of places on the neck near her shoulders and just run the nozzle along her back under her coat rather than fiddle about trying to part the hair as that's much more intrusive on the dog. A light breakfast followed by a walk seems to work best allowing the Advocate to disperse on the dog rather than the carpets and furniture, but I avoid rainy days for obvious reasons.

    When Lady was a puppy she did react a bit to Advocate. It caused her to pant a lot and she was clearly having a mild reaction, but as she got older that all stopped. I use it regularly because there is a significant lung worm risk where we live.
  12. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Advocate

    Penny has always been ok, but a little jumpy when it's first applied - I think it definitely feels a bit funny when going on, think like when you accidentally get olbas oil on your skin.

    I know from personal experience that it stings like the worst thing ever when you get it in your eye (don't ask) so if he's accidentally gotten a bit on his tongue at some point it probably tastes nasty too.

    Advocate is one of the best you can get though as fleas now seem to be developing a resistance to frontline products, so if you can continue using it then do. If you are worried at all then it always best to speak to your vet as they can put your mind at rest.
  13. Bruer

    Bruer Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: Advocate

    Thanks for all your replies, today he has been back to his excitable self ::) Next month i will do as you say do it at night and give him something to distract him first. If this doesn't work i'll speak to the vet and see what she says :)

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