Very worrying. I'll wash Charlie every time he gets back - just in case it helps....I suppose I could walk in Richmond Park, but I doubt that's far enough away, really.
That is a worry but not confirmed yet. Does Wimbledon Common have much woodland? It is odd how the disease pops up in different places and very few dogs are affected, but of course it is devestating for the ones that are. In Worcestershire, 3 dogs were out working, all belonging to one owner, 2 got Alabama Foot Rot and died and the third dog who was taken in and bathed, did not even get it.
Yes, quite a lot. It's a big, big space. It has all sorts of woodland, heathland, grassland, marshy areas, manicured areas - just about everything, really.
It's awfully worrying. I know the number of cases compared to the number of dogs walked is tiny but that doesn't help ease the concern
I agree @bbrown, it is very, very worrying. When I was picking up in woodlands in the winter I was very concerned.
Scary. What a horrible disease. I hope they can figure out what is the cause of it and start to get better treatments for it. Just seems so weird!
If there really is Albama Rot on Wimbledon Common, with the density of dogs that walk there... If it's confirmed Charlie will just have to walk in the local small park and I'll have to drive out to one of the big deer parks to get him some off lead time a few times a week.
That's very worrying Julie. I think you've come up with a good plan to avoid it although even if it's confirmed the poor dog has it from the sounds of it it may not have got it from Wimbledon common which complicates things more. Do they give an area the all clear if there are no further cases within a certain time frame ?
I don't suppose so - I guess that even if the dog is confirmed as having it, it'll be difficult to know where he got it from. I suppose we'll just have to worry until enough time goes by without any more reports. Or not....
That is worrying. Homer's dog walker walks him on wimbledon common. (Sorry Julie I know you have some problems with dog walkers on the common.)