all is well this morning, ...... ....i now suspect it was the football that caused the upset, i have fed him a small amount of roast chicken for breakfast,... is it better to keep him on light meals for today as you would with a child ?....... thank god he is back to normal thank you all for your well whishes
Re: all is well this morning Phew Lynne what a relief for you. So glad Jasper is on the mend. Helen xx
Re: all is well this morning Lovely news Lynne, so relieved for you Yes , I would just feed light food for today , scrambled egg is always a good thing to give, or rice and chicken but just small meals and then back to normal tomorrow
Re: all is well this morning i will take your advice thank you, i never thought i would have the feelings i have for my jasper, ....... was really upset last night, silly thoughts in my head thinking i was going to lose him, goodness knows what i would be like if he was really poorly
Re: all is well this morning Lynne, it might be worthwhile just sticking to one thread about these things, rather than starting several threads, so all the info, updates and advice about Jasper can be found in the same place Generally speaking, 1 topic = 1 thread is the way to go That way people won't miss important updates from you that might change the advice they would give
Re: all is well this morning No apology needed at all, Lynne The important thing is that Jasper is on the mend