Allergies - itchy skin and diet

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by JMo, Oct 17, 2022.

  1. JMo

    JMo Registered Users

    Oct 17, 2022
    Hi everyone,

    Looking for any advice or allergy experience! My 2 year old male lab has had terrible itching and shedding and in spring this year we did allergy blood tests and found he’s allergic to pretty much all meats, potato, rice, oats etc. as well as dust mites and a few grasses. He was put on a hydrolysed protein diet and was prescribed apouquel, which he responded well to and was almost itch free. I don’t want to keep him on the medication long term, so we are trialling him with the diet only, but alas the itching has returned!

    I’d really like to find a solution that isn’t drugs, as I very much believe in prevention rather than cure. Has anyone else had something similar and do you have any recommendations?

    I have an anti bacterial and anti fungal shampoo that I’m now washing him in, and have given him anti histamines to see if we can get it under control. I’d rather anti histamines than apouquel, but like I say would rather give him nothing! The food has done wonders for his tummy, I just don’t know how to get the itch under control and I’m not convinced the food is helping this.

    Also just to confirm we haven’t given him any other food for 3+ months, not a single treat or slither of meat.

    Really appreciate any advice or similar experience! Thanks.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    If you put “itchy” into the search engine at the top quite a few old posts will come up including some of my own. I have now established food isn’t an issue which makes life a lot easier. All the best with finding a natural solution. Post back if you do.

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