Seems like utter nonsense to me. You can buy specially designed shoulder bags for this very purpose. I had one when my pup was small and took her out in it in the early weeks. I found it quite hard work I have to admit coz it hurt my back, so I didn't do it loads. But it didn't cross my mind she'd expect to be carried, not least coz I wouldn't be able to, but also because it's much more fun on the floor. Keep doing it, I think it's a great plan. By the way, Aramis is gorgeous.
If I had a puppy I'd be carrying him round in a bag too. We did that with our first dog - we used a backpack - until he was too heavy. There is no way that carrying them in a bag makes them dependent on it. As others have said, once they can walk and sniff that's what they will want to do.
He is a beauty. I use to carry Annie around, I couldn't now. Annie loves everything and everybody. Take no notice, you are doing great job