so my 2 years old silver lab has this new thing , while he pees , his anal glands with express and shoot out liquid , is this normal ?!
Welcome to the forum, I haven't experienced anal gland issues with our male dogs, maybe someone else can share their experiences. It doesn't sound quite normal to me though, maybe a quick chat with the vet?
Welcome to the forum Marisa! As Kate has said above, I've no personal experience with this but i'd definitely give the vet a call to be on the safe side Let us know how he gets along!
This can happen from time to time and boy does it stink! Give your Vet a call but try to firm up the stools a bit. The firmer the stools the more the anal glands are expressed naturally. Some Lab owners I know have to have their groomer or Vet express the glands on a regular basis. We've never had to deal with that but have had an issue where both our girls were stinking from unexpressed glands, on Vet's advise I added a probiotic for a few days and their stool firmed up to the point where the issue just went away. It was a one and done so I have to wonder if their bag of food was off or they both got into something that went unnoticed.