Well you would not know that Annie had surgery. She got up at the normal time, ate her breakfast. Took her tablets out of my hand. Had a walk around the garden, but wanted to go out with Fred on his walk. Instead had to stay in the kitchen until we got home. You wouldn't believe that she had anything done to her. She has just polished off her tea and in now in the garden with my OH and Fred.
@Cath Everyday is a little better but she is still very sleepy (possibly it's the pain meds). She has had diarrhea since coming home but after a couple days of rice/egg this morning she seems OK (we just woke up here). Definitely getting a bit more playful and no signs of pain and no licking at all, so we haven't had to put the cone on. How is Annie?
Fine Thanks, you wouldn't know she had anything done. I hope Quinn will soon be back to her normal self
It's funny how they all react differently! It's also very hot and humid here so that might also be affecting her energy too.
Just got back from the vets and Annie's check. She is fine and been signed off She is doing so well and it is nearly healed that she can go off lead on Monday I would recommend Laparoscopic spay surgery. Annie only has 3 tiny marks about 1 cm long each and when her tummy hair grows you will not see them.
That's really good news! Lovely to hear that there are options to make this surgery much easier for the girls.
Great news Cath, I wish that had been an option offered to me when Hattie was spayed, she had an awful experience. Hope Annie enjoys her first off lead x
Well, it turns out that the reason Quinn didn't bounce back after her spay is that she has worms! We moved up her post-op check as she has been lethargic and still had bouts of runny poo and today OH found a worm (sooo glad I wasn't the one who discovered that!!). The vet has her on a digestive tinned food for 3 days plus deworming, so hopefully she is back to herself soon. She is completely healed from her spay.
@QuinnM15 poor girl, but at least the problem has been identified and will be quickly cured. Good to hear that the spay itself has been trouble free
Glad to hear that Annie is bouncing and ready for action. Sorry to hear that Quinn has had a rougher time but should be back to her usual self soon once those pesky worms are cleared.
I have booked Poppy in for a laparascopic spay on 08 Feb @Cath, did Annie need to wear the collar after her spay?
No not at all Karen. I even brought her one of those blue collars off ebay, but she didn't need it. She did sleep when we got her back, but by next day she was her normal self. The cuts on her tummy were only about 1 cm long. She had 3. You can not see them at all now. You honestly would not of know that she had anything done. Try not to worry, I know I did, but I wouldn't if another dog of mine need the same operation.