Poor Small Black Dog this morning trying to wee every 2 minutes. She seems to be prone to getting urinary tract infections when the winter gets going. Taking her off to the vet in about half an hour and hopefully some antibiotics will sort things out. On the plus side, getting her to wee on command definitely pays off in these circumstance. Out in the garden, "Hurry up!" (the do a wee now command) and hey presto. Quickly slip plastic tray under the vital spot and sample collected. It must be much more "hit and miss" trying to get a sample from a dog rather than a bitch I think.
Nope boys are just as easy getvem to go on command you just have to better at fielding if you get what i mean
She's snoring with her head on my knee at the moment. She's been working hard all day in the pouring rain and got along just fine. I think the antibiotics kicked in quickly and have hit it on the head. She had a bit of urgency last night and I had to let her out into the garden for a wee a couple of times, but today she seems back to normal - just tired out
Imagine how many pets suffer because their people don't pay enough attention to them. Lucky Lady that you got on to it so fast.