Anyone else suffering from the puppy blues?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Teresa999, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Teresa999

    Teresa999 Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2017
    Hi, I'm new to the forum and this is my first post. I have a serious case of the puppy blues. I brought home my new puppy George last friday at 8 weeks, and he is an absolutely lovely puppy - he (mostly) sleeps through the night, he's very cuddly and affectionate and he hardly bites (or nowhere near as badly as some of the puppies I've seen people posting about), but I feel so down and can't seem to stop being tearful and emotional and I'm so down that I'm barely eating. I was sobbing in the shower this morning.
    The thing is, I've had two lab puppies before, so it's not like I didn't know they are HARD work for a little while. I just don't remember feeling like this before. It's like my life has just stopped and everything revolves around him. I used to love being on my own before, but now I can't bear it - every morning I have to stop myself tearfully begging my husband not to go to work and leave me. Husband is not very sympathetic about the whole thing as he didn't want to get a puppy in the first place, and he doesn't really want anything to do with him, so it's me doing all the looking after.
    I've been reading some of the threads on new puppies and the 'puppy blues' one, so I know that it's very common, and I know that it will get better eventually, but right now it feels like I'm never going to get my life or my old self back. I guess that I just wanted to know that I'm not the only one feeling like this right now.
    I'd be really grateful to hear from anyone else who's feeling like this, or who's been there.
    FoxRedDon likes this.
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Oh you poor thing. You are definitely not alone. I'm glad you've read some of the other puppy threads, so you know that this feeling is temporary. It doesn't make it much easier right now of course.

    You will definitely get your life and self back even if it feels at the moment like all that has been subsumed by a puppy. Dogs open up a whole new range of activities that we can enjoy - just takes a little time for them to become old enough for us to take advantage of the possibilities.

    Are you able to have some outings with your pup - carrying or driving him to the local shops or a cafe or something like that? The exposure would be good for him and it might make you feel less isolated.
    Teresa999 likes this.
  3. HannahandPoppy

    HannahandPoppy Registered Users

    Jul 6, 2017
    I could write the exact same thing apart from the bit about having two puppies before - Poppy is my first. This forum is the best thing I could've found and I really hope it brings you some relief too :)
    Teresa999 and SwampDonkey like this.
  4. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Bless you xx

    They do take up our every minute at first - the good news is that this time is short.

    Get some help, people will simply love to puppy sit for a while each day, if you ask.

    Teresa999 and SwampDonkey like this.
  5. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Yes I have been there @Teresa999 and not so long ago. My 'puppy blues' thread documents the ups and mostly downs I went through. I think a lot of it is having someone totally dependent on you and that feeling of being trapped. Also in my case sleep deprivation and the guilt of an older Lab who didn't take well to the new addition. I hadn't got the blues when the older Lab was a puppy. It will lift honest. I would try to get out as much as you can and if you are in the UK at least you have better weather and lighter nights that help. Take advantage of that. You can carry your puppy places - you'll be amazed at how many people stop to speak to you when they see a puppy.

    Also plan things e.g. booking on a puppy training course when his vaccinations are done. Look for puppy parties, maybe your Vets do one.

    Put your feet up and rest when he's asleep.

    My DH and I decided to get a puppy so I had his total support from Day 1 - it will be harder for you if your DH isn't keen. Hopefully George will win him round.

    Lastly, post here when you feel you need to - I had such a lot of support just when I needed it :).
    Teresa999 and SwampDonkey like this.
  6. Priya71

    Priya71 Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2017
    Hi @Teresa999, you are not alone. I am a new puppy mom and I feel the same baby girl is 10 weeks old and she has turned my life upside down. Hang in there. Everyone tells me it will get better. This is a wonderful place to vent. Take it one day at a time.
    Teresa999 and SwampDonkey like this.
  7. FoxRedDon

    FoxRedDon Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2017
    Hang in there! It does get better – I promise! I felt exactly the same, and joked about having puppy blues with my friends – but it's only since I joined this forum that I found that it is a real thing! I wish I had known sooner!

    I felt totally trapped, my house was a mess, I had no time for anything but the puppy – I also begged my partner not to leave me alone with him! But around 6-8 weeks after getting him, it all settled down. We both got into a routine, his toileting was better, he was sleeping for longer with less night time wake ups. He was also ok to be left for 5 minutes while I got a shower without screaming the house down!

    He's now 6 months old and my little best friend! I can't be without him now and can't wait to get home from work to see him every day. I think back to the first few weeks – which weren't that long ago – and shudder! But it does go quick and you wont feel this way for lomg. Hang in there and keep us posted!
    Teresa999 likes this.
  8. deadandchocolatey

    deadandchocolatey Registered Users

    Feb 1, 2017
    Puppies, man, it's a rough ride. My boy couldn't have been better - toilet training was a breeze, rules and boundaries were never a problem to learn, Stampy was an angel puppy. Yet, I still managed to get extremely depressed and panicked. Like, devastatingly depressed and panicked. Because puppies are jerks, even when they're well behaved jerks.

    But I promise you, every day you'll figure each other out a little more, learn to work around each other, and most importantly fall in love a little bit more.

    Until then, this awesome forum is always here for advice or just a listening ear. Keep at it! George is going to be your best friend, and greatest protector, in absolutely no time at all.
    Teresa999 likes this.
  9. akc

    akc Registered Users

    Dec 2, 2016
    Toronto, Canada
    Another George! Great name! Heheh. Our George was exhausting, too!

    Don't feel bad for feeling bad. I felt guilty because I had been SO EXCITED to get him and then suddenly it was not fun at all. I immediately felt like we had made a huge mistake and I was just not cut out for dog ownership. But the truth is, it's NOT FUN having something pester, bite, bark, whine, pee on, etc., you 24/7!

    Try to focus on the good bits (even though they are few and far between at this stage). Take lots of pictures - it really does go by quickly (even though it doesn't feel like it right now)! Soon you'll miss being able to pick him up and cuddle him. It will get better and it will be even more rewarding because you've been through this tricky bit.

    Good luck - be patient with yourself! :)
    Teresa999 likes this.
  10. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Keep the faith ! One day , I promise , you will look back and wonder why you felt this way . One day , when your pesky pup becomes your soul mate , your best friend in all the world , when you take real pride in ownership , and you will know the true love of a dog , and all that comes with it . These pups grow up so fast , one day they are ruling the roost , disrupting lives and causing chaos , then it seems that you turn around and they are all grown up . Enjoy your puppy , warts and all , the blues will pass x
    Teresa999 likes this.
  11. Dave Bennett

    Dave Bennett Registered Users

    May 24, 2017
    Witham Essex Grossbritannien
    Try not to feel down.I'm a new totally inexperienced dad to our little pup and yes he has severely impacted on our lives but like you he was wanted and just hearing a little yawn or witnessing a moment of his madness makes the early days all worth while .The only thing that gets me down is having to sit OUTSIDE the pub in the rain!!!!
    Teresa999, Plum's mum and FoxRedDon like this.
  12. Spencerboy

    Spencerboy Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hang in there!! It will get better seriously. I also know how you feel. I have a 6.5 month old lab and a 7 month old golden retriever! Everyday brings its challenges for sure. These two are nothing like the lab or golden I've had in the past. I know that I made a mistake getting them so close in age but too late now. I lost the love of my life last year(chocolate lab who was my soul mate). I still cry for missing her every day. I should have waited longer before getting these two! Spencer the lab pup is nothing like her so far and that makes it worse. He is a sweetheart though! Sydney the golden is a handful and as much as I love them (and I do) I still think occasionally of rehoming her because she is turning my life upside down! I cried buckets the first few days after bringing her home. But they are fun,sweet and how empty this house would be without them! My OH doesn't help me with training or cleaning either and so I'm in this by myself really. He loves them too but I can't count on him for much help. Just keep loving your puppy and soon you will be inseparable. You will wonder how you ever felt this way and how could you ever live without him? Just open your heart and hang on to the love that he will give you for many years to come. Take him out and have fun. Laugh at the crazy things he does. And cherish your time together because when you lose him one day you will be heart broken but so full of all the wonderful memories that you shared.
    FoxRedDon and Teresa999 like this.

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