Are we at 'that age'?!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by zanacal, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Feeling ever so slightly dispairing this week! Tess is wonderful in lots of ways but over the past week or so we haven't been able to have her in the room with us much at all in the evenings - in her crate she can settle straight away but in here she's constantly jumping up, biting our clothes, biting our hands etc. Please tell me it will pass (she's 14 weeks). We've read all the articles but sometimes it feels like it's all pretty ineffective with regards to this behaviour and that we should be doing something we're not! I sat on the floor with her this evening, let her mouth my hand (she was very gentle), passed her a chew/rope toy when she was particularly mouthy and hoped she'd settle with me there but no - a few chances and she was in her crate and fast asleep in a jiffy!
  2. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    This too shall pass ;)

    Sounds like she is maybe a bit overtired, since she zonks out when you put her in her crate. They tend to be wild and out of control when they are overtired...If you want her to settle and be part of the evening family setting, find something quiet for her to do...a kong is always a good one...or another good gnawing bone of some sort...Bella shredded a lot of cardboard at 14 weeks - still does..but it's a good harmless thing for her to do, albeit messy. Some of the interactive treat games/puzzles...or doing some find it games with treats...make her think a will focus her and tire her out.

    But I'm all for a time out and snooze when they just get too tired. Bella will crash on the couch with me if I'm sitting...but doesn't generally sleep if I'm not sitting there....those are the times when I pop her in her crate. She's 7 months now. ;)
  3. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    I hate to break it to you, but Maisie is almost 25 weeks and… all the ages are "that age!!!" ;D

    As soon as something improves… something else goes… it seems! Overall we are trending upwards, though, and I'm sure I've forgotten a lot of things she used to do she doesn't anymore. For example, she was really bad with her teeth when I first got her, then improved, then worsened with the serious teething, now she has all her teeth so much better on that, but started getting a bit stubborn sometimes… eh. Also sometimes Maisie just has days or a week where she behaves atrociously or has what I call a "never satisfied day"… it's when no matter how much exercise (mental and physical!) I try to do with her, she is not satisfied with it and wants MOREEEE.

    I have so many puzzle toys for her and these are really helpful. Stuff you put kibble etc into and they throw or chew on to get it out (different from kongs as they're a bit more active, Maisie throws them about). But Kongs are good too!
  4. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    She has 6 kings a day ;D
  5. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    Oops! Kongs!

    Is there anything I can do about her biting strangers' hands when they stroke her? She's so excited about the attention but her mouth is all over them! She does it to us too of course.
  6. JAYMZ

    JAYMZ Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    [quote author=zanacal link=topic=10600.msg157076#msg157076 date=1429251096]
    Oops! Kongs!

    Is there anything I can do about her biting strangers' hands when they stroke her? She's so excited about the attention but her mouth is all over them! She does it to us too of course.

    Ask them to not give her any attention until she is calm.
    If she tries to nip, tell them to remove their hand immediate,y and ignore.
    She'll soon learn.
  7. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    Yes, the hardest thing with our dogs' interactions with other people is that you have to train the other people first! They need to treat your puppy exactly how you would in those situations, which means sometimes you have to shout at them before they get to you. I've become pretty good at this in the last few weeks, shouting "PLEASE DON'T TALK TO THE DOG!" and, when they look shocked or affronted, then go on to explain the rules, which they then (generally) understand, although you get the odd person encouraging them to act up because "it's ok, she's only a puppy" or "it's ok, I have dogs". No. It's not OK. My rules, or you don't get to interact with my dog, because I'm the one that has to deal with the repercussions.

    Yup, training people is a lot harder than training dogs. You don't always have time to be polite :)
  8. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    I ask them to wait until I have her sitting before they stroke her but she just never keeps her mouth closed! OK, she will get there, we both will :)
  9. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    That is the one reason I find puppies very tiring, just as we humans want to settle down in the evening, the puppy wants to play! I find once they get to six months this has all stopped and peace reigns in the evening.
  10. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    My dog can still be like this at 2 years old. (Sorry!). One thing that keeps the behaviour going is he gets pretty much constant attention from my Dad and OH. This reinforces "fussing". So dog fusses for play and attention - and gets it. So when bored, dog fusses for play and attention instead of settling down.

    I have been known to stand in the middle of the living room shouting "FOR GOD'S SAKE WILL YOU PLEASE IGNORE THE DOG". ;D ;D ;D

    When Charlie was young (and at times when I didn't have other people interfering) I would make a room "puppy safe" so absolutely everything put out of reach, bring Charlie in and ignore him. When he settled down, we would do something together (play or attention). This was very effective, and with me he settles down until I prompt interaction.
  11. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=10600.msg157111#msg157111 date=1429261695]

    I have been known to stand in the middle of the living room shouting "FOR GOD'S SAKE WILL YOU PLEASE IGNORE THE DOG". ;D ;D ;D


    Marvellous - we need this on video!

  12. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    ;D ;D ;D

    Me, my Dad and Charlie are staying together this weekend - as I was typing, I had just finished explaining to my Dad (for the 1,000,000th time, that Charlie won't settle UNLESS YOU IGNORE HIM). My Dad hasn't seen Charlie for ages and just cannot leave him alone. A few more minutes of this and Charlie will be swinging from the lampshade. I might have to go and do some gardening and leave them to it... ;D ;D ;D
  13. JAYMZ

    JAYMZ Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=10600.msg157115#msg157115 date=1429262198]
    ;D ;D ;D

    Me, my Dad and Charlie are staying together this weekend - as I was typing, I had just finished explaining to my Dad (for the 1,000,000th time, that Charlie won't settle UNLESS YOU IGNORE HIM). My Dad hasn't seen Charlie for ages and just cannot leave him alone. A few more minutes of this and Charlie will be swinging from the lampshade. I might have to go and do some gardening and leave them to it... ;D ;D ;D

    Charlie's your OH?

  14. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    Oh yes, I can confirm what Maisie's Momma said, each stage and age brings new challenges. I was going to come on this week and post how amazingly brilliant Bonnie's recall has been this week (even ignored her best mate bounding up to say hello) - my clever pup! When she started biting everyone who crossed my threshold!! :-\ I think it's fair to say, we lab pup owners are in for the long haul!!!! Good luck with the excited nibbling of guests challenge. Let me know if you find the cure! ;)
  15. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    Thanks Philippa! My eldest son and I took her in to town yesterday morning as we want to make sure she's regularly around lots of people. There were a few episodes of lunging but overall she was amazing. We sat on a bench in the middle of the busy town and she had her Kong (sardines!) and she heeled past so many people and other dogs. We're going to make sure we go every Saturday :) I've got to hold on to the good parts and let the bad parts drop (or at least keep plugging away at them!).
  16. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    Hurrah! Well done Tess! 8)

    Yes, indeed, it's good for one's sanity to note the good things and remember how far you've come! We've also come a long way ... we've had two setbacks. Once after she was spayed: for about 6/7 days it felt like all her training had dropped out of her head... but she gradually got it back again and it wasn't like starting from scratch (which I thought at first). The second has been with my arm being in a sling. I can't put her harness on so her walking to heel has deteriorated by being back on the collar (although she's getting better now)....there have been positives though; we've happened upon a one-armed game that has resulted in me having her total attention outdoors which is amazing. (I pinch myself every time I recall her and she comes! ... ran out of rewards today she was so good!!)

    I guess I'm saying we need to reassure ourselves that the training process is working and, even when there are setbacks, not to lose heart!
  17. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    I was just saying to my hubby that every time we're out and she's playing with a dog and I recall her I pretty much expect her to ignore me - but she comes without fail (so far!).

    Madam is currently sleeping in her crate, having jumped all over us, tried to eat us/our clothing/my computer/anything else within reach. I really do wish she would flake out and sleep in here with us in the evening, instead of needing a dark room and a crate - but at least we do have the crate :)
  18. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    She might come and sleep with you eventually. B used to sleep away from me at first; she's now (as every evening) snuggled into my lap. At my brother's noisy, busy, child-filled house, she would regularly go into her darkened crate for a bit of a rest when she was little. It's quite instinctive, isn't it, for a dog to sleep easier where it's dark and quiet!?
  19. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    Oh, and fantastic on the recall btw :)
  20. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Are we at 'that age'?!

    Yes, it's selfish of me wanting a cuddle or a foot warmer really! In the early weeks she slept at our feet in the living room every night before the children went to bed. Now it seems we need to put her to bed and bring her in later in the evening while she's dopey!

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